Vincent Fourmond’s contribution

Images from this gallery also mostly come from my PhD, and you might some that some are very similar to those you can see on ctioga’s gallery, for very curious reasons. I’m somehow cheating here, as all these images were produced using ctioga rather than directly Tioga, but, well…

Some small figures describing the evolution of potential over time and current as a function of potential for a cyclic voltamogram involving a fast, reversible one-electron process with a species freely diffusing.

The evolution of cyclic voltamograms of cleaning for a gold electrode… Please note the gradient in the curves, and tell me if you ever saw another one of the like !!

Several voltamograms of a catalytic system with several concentration conditions for one of the partners in the chain. The colors were chosen in the colorblind colorset of ctioga, and they should be easier to distinguish by colorblind people.

Evolution of the apparent second-order rate constant of the first step of a long electron-tranfser chain as a function of the concentration of one of the downstream elements (sorry I can’t elaborate, I just can’t rewrite my PhD thesis on a web page…).