class Tioga::Transparency

These are the attributes for using transparency in PDF graphics. The transparency is speficied by a fraction, with 1.0 for fully transparent and 0.0 for fully opaque. Since transparency can also be thought of in terms of opacity, there are accessors defined in those terms also. Thus, for example, setting #fill_opacity to 0.2 is equivalent to setting #fill_transparency to 0.8.

Public Instance Methods

fill_opacity click to toggle source
fill_opacity = a_float

Defines the opacity to use for fill and other non-stroke graphics operations including images. Valid values are between 1.0 (fully opaque) to 0.0 (fully transparent). Default is 1.0 (opaque).

Example: on left, #fill_opacity = 1.0; on right #fill_opacity = 0.6

# File lib/Tioga/Transparency.rb, line 36
def fill_opacity
fill_transparency click to toggle source
fill_transparency = a_float

Defines the transparency to use for fill and other non-stroke graphics operations including images. Valid values are between 0.0 (fully opaque) to 1.0 (fully transparent). Default is 0.0 (opaque).

Example: on left, #fill_transparency = 0.0; on right #fill_transparency = 0.4

# File lib/Tioga/Transparency.rb, line 76
def fill_transparency
opacity_for_fill click to toggle source
opacity_for_fill = a_float

Alias for fill_opacity.

# File lib/Tioga/Transparency.rb, line 44
def opacity_for_fill
opacity_for_stroke click to toggle source
opacity_for_stroke = a_float

Alias for stroke_opacity.

# File lib/Tioga/Transparency.rb, line 23
def opacity_for_stroke
stroke_opacity click to toggle source
stroke_opacity = a_float

Defines the opacity to use for stroke operations. Valid values are between 1.0 (fully opaque) to 0.0 (fully transparent). Default is 1.0 (opaque).

# File lib/Tioga/Transparency.rb, line 15
def stroke_opacity
stroke_transparency click to toggle source
stroke_transparency = a_float

Defines the transparency to use for stroke operations. Valid values are between 0.0 (fully opaque) to 1.0 (fully transparent). Default is 0.0 (opaque).

# File lib/Tioga/Transparency.rb, line 55
def stroke_transparency
transparency_for_fill click to toggle source
transparency_for_fill = a_float

Alias for fill_transparency.

# File lib/Tioga/Transparency.rb, line 84
def transparency_for_fill
transparency_for_stroke click to toggle source
transparency_for_stroke = a_float

Alias for stroke_transparency.

# File lib/Tioga/Transparency.rb, line 63
def transparency_for_stroke