class Tioga::Page_Frame_Bounds

This section describes the coordinate systems used by tioga for page layout.

The “output page” is defined in “output coordinates” having units equal to 1/720 of an inch. This unit is 1/10 of a “big point” that is the basic size used in PostScript and PDF. By making the unit this size, we can write output coordinates to the PDF file as integers, getting a significant size reduction in the file without giving up noticable accuracy. The (0, 0) point of the output coordinate system is at the lower-left hand corner of the output page. The x axis increases horizontally, and the y axis increases vertically. The dimensions of the page are given by the attributes #page_width and page_height.

The attributes #page_right and #page_top are aliases for these. The attributes #page_left and #page_bottom are always zero. The default page size is 5 inches square, but you can set the size to anything you like using the #set_device_pagesize routine.

While the output coordinates have a fixed physical size, all the other coordinate systems are relative rather than absolute. At the next level comes “page coordinates” that are defined relative to the output page with (0, 0) in page coordinates at the lower left corner of the output page and (1, 1) at the upper right. Page coordinates are used to define the location of the current “frame”. The current frame location is held in the attributes #frame_left, #frame_right, #frame_top, and #frame_bottom, all in page coordinates. In addition, the attribute #frame_width is defined to be #frame_right - #frame_left, and #frame_height is #frame_top - frame_bottom. The defaults are (0.2, 0.2) for the lower left corner of the frame and (0.8, 0.8) for the upper right. You can change these by calling the routine set_frame_sides.

The “frame coordinates” are defined with (0, 0) at the lower left corner of the frame and (1, 1) at the upper right. Subframes are sized and located using frame coordinates. The routine #set_subframe does this job. In addition, subframes are used to give a desired aspect ratio. The routine set_aspect_ratio_relative_to_frame does this in terms of frame coordinates – in other words, it creates a subframe having the requested ratio of width to height relative to the frame. In some cases that will be what you want, but it is more common to want to specify the width to height ratio relative to the output page, i.e., in absolute rather than relative terms. This is provided by the routine set_physical_aspect_ratio (with set_aspect_ratio as an alias).

When doing a plot, you want yet another coordinate system, one that matches the data. This is called the “figure coordinate system” and is set by the “bounds” attributes that give the locations in figure coordinates of the edges of the frame. These attributes are called #bounds_right, #bounds_left, #bounds_top, and bounds_bottom. Note that you can “reverse” the x axis, for example, by making #bounds_right smaller than bounds_left. To help with the bookkeeping for this, the attribute #bounds_xmin holds the minimum of #bounds_left and #bounds_right, while #bounds_ymin has the minimum of #bounds_top and bounds_bottom. Finally, #bounds_width holds the absolute value of #bounds_right - #bounds_left and #bounds_height has abs(bounds_top - #bounds_bottom). The default bounds are 0 for left and bottom and 1 for right and top, making figure coordinates identical to frame coordinates. The bounds can be changed by calling the #set_bounds routine.

Public Instance Methods

bounds_bottom click to toggle source

The position of the bottom of the frame in the figure coordinate system. Initialized to 0.0 and changed by set_bounds.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 181
def bounds_bottom
bounds_height click to toggle source

The height of the frame in figure coordinates. Initialized to 1.0 and changed by set_bounds.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 205
def bounds_height
bounds_left click to toggle source

The position of the left of the frame in the figure coordinate system. Initialized to 0.0 and changed by set_bounds.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 165
def bounds_left
bounds_right click to toggle source

The position of the right of the frame in the figure coordinate system. Initialized to 1.0 and changed by set_bounds.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 173
def bounds_right
bounds_top click to toggle source

The position of the top of the frame in the figure coordinate system. Initialized to 1.0 and changed by set_bounds.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 189
def bounds_top
bounds_width click to toggle source

The width of the frame in figure coordinates. Initialized to 1.0 and changed by set_bounds.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 197
def bounds_width
bounds_xmax click to toggle source

The maximum x figure coordinate that is inside the frame. Initialized to 1.0 and changed by set_bounds.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 221
def bounds_xmax
bounds_xmin click to toggle source

The minimum x figure coordinate that is inside the frame. Initialized to 0.0 and changed by set_bounds.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 213
def bounds_xmin
bounds_ymax click to toggle source

The maximum y figure coordinate that is inside the frame. Initialized to 1.0 and changed by set_bounds.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 237
def bounds_ymax
bounds_ymin click to toggle source

The minimum y figure coordinate that is inside the frame. Initialized to 0.0 and changed by set_bounds.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 229
def bounds_ymin
column_margins(dict) click to toggle source

Returns a dictionary with entries for 'left_margin' and 'right_margin' suitable for use with set_subframe. The margins are determined by the column specifications in the argument dict. The leftmost column is number 1 and the number of columns equals the column number for the rightmost column. The entries 'left_margin' and 'right_margin' determine the space outside the columns, and 'column_margin' is the space between columns, all given as fractions of the frame width. The space between the outer margins is divided to make room for 'num_columns' of equally wide columns. The returned margins bracket the requested 'column', or the requested range of columns from 'first_column' to 'last_column', inclusive. See also row_margins.

Dictionary Entries

'left_margin'       => a_float      # default is 0
'right_margin'      => a_float      # default is 0
'column_margin'     => a_float      # default is 0
'column'            => an_integer
'first_column'      => an_integer   # default is 1
'last_column'       => an_integer   # default is 'first_column'
'num_columns'       => an_integer   # default is 'last_column'


def columns
        'Blues, Reds, Greens',
        'Values for Colors')
    num_plots = 3
    t.subplot(t.column_margins('num_columns' => 3, 'column' => 1)) do
        t.right_edge_type = AXIS_HIDDEN
    t.subplot(t.column_margins('num_columns' => 3, 'column' => 2)) do 
        t.yaxis_type = AXIS_WITH_TICKS_ONLY
        t.right_edge_type = AXIS_HIDDEN
    t.subplot(t.column_margins('num_columns' => 3, 'column' => 3)) do
        t.yaxis_type = AXIS_WITH_TICKS_ONLY
        t.right_edge_type = AXIS_WITH_TICKS_ONLY

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 310
def column_margins(dict)
convert_figure_to_frame_dx(dx) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dx measured in figure x coordinates to the distance in frame x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 475
def convert_figure_to_frame_dx(dx)
convert_figure_to_frame_dy(dy) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dy measured in figure y coordinates to the distance in frame y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 480
def convert_figure_to_frame_dy(dy)
convert_figure_to_frame_x(x) click to toggle source

Convert the position x measured in figure x coordinates to the position in frame x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 465
def convert_figure_to_frame_x(x)
convert_figure_to_frame_y(y) click to toggle source

Convert the position y measured in figure y coordinates to the position in frame y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 470
def convert_figure_to_frame_y(y)
convert_figure_to_output_dx(dx) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dx measured in figure x coordinates to the distance in output x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 515
def convert_figure_to_output_dx(dx)
convert_figure_to_output_dy(dy) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dy measured in figure y coordinates to the distance in output y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 520
def convert_figure_to_output_dy(dy)
convert_figure_to_output_x(x) click to toggle source

Convert the position x measured in figure x coordinates to the position in output x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 505
def convert_figure_to_output_x(x)
convert_figure_to_output_y(y) click to toggle source

Convert the position y measured in figure y coordinates to the position in output y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 510
def convert_figure_to_output_y(y) 
convert_frame_to_figure_dx(dx) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dx measured in frame x coordinates to the distance in figure x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 495
def convert_frame_to_figure_dx(dx)
convert_frame_to_figure_dy(dy) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dy measured in frame y coordinates to the distance in figure y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 500
def convert_frame_to_figure_dy(dy)
convert_frame_to_figure_x(x) click to toggle source

Convert the position x measured in frame x coordinates to the position in figure x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 485
def convert_frame_to_figure_x(x)
convert_frame_to_figure_y(y) click to toggle source

Convert the position y measured in frame y coordinates to the position in figure y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 490
def convert_frame_to_figure_y(y)
convert_frame_to_page_dx(dx) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dx measured in frame x coordinates to the distance in page x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 455
def convert_frame_to_page_dx(dx)
convert_frame_to_page_dy(dy) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dy measured in frame y coordinates to the distance in page y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 460
def convert_frame_to_page_dy(dy)
convert_frame_to_page_x(x) click to toggle source

Convert the position x measured in frame x coordinates to the position in page x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 445
def convert_frame_to_page_x(x)
convert_frame_to_page_y(y) click to toggle source

Convert the position y measured in frame y coordinates to the position in page y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 450
def convert_frame_to_page_y(y)
convert_inches_to_output(d) click to toggle source

Convert the distance d measured in inches to output coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 378
def convert_inches_to_output(d)
convert_mm_to_output(d) click to toggle source

Convert the distance d measured in millimeters to output coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 370
def convert_mm_to_output(d)
convert_output_to_figure_dx(dx) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dx measured in output x coordinates to the distance in figure x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 535
def convert_output_to_figure_dx(dx)
convert_output_to_figure_dy(dy) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dy measured in output y coordinates to the distance in figure y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 540
def convert_output_to_figure_dy(dy)
convert_output_to_figure_x(x) click to toggle source

Convert the position x measured in output x coordinates to the position in figure x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 525
def convert_output_to_figure_x(x)
convert_output_to_figure_y(y) click to toggle source

Convert the position y measured in output y coordinates to the position in figure y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 530
def convert_output_to_figure_y(y)
convert_output_to_inches(d) click to toggle source

Convert the distance d measured in output coordinates to inches.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 374
def convert_output_to_inches(d)
convert_output_to_mm(d) click to toggle source

Convert the distance d measured in output coordinates to millimeters.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 366
def convert_output_to_mm(d)
convert_output_to_page_dx(dx) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dx measured in output x coordinates to the distance in page x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 415
def convert_output_to_page_dx(dx)
convert_output_to_page_dy(dy) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dy measured in output y coordinates to the same distance in page y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 420
def convert_output_to_page_dy(dy)
convert_output_to_page_x(x) click to toggle source

Convert the position x measured in output x coordinates to the position in page x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 405
def convert_output_to_page_x(x)
convert_output_to_page_y(y) click to toggle source

Convert the position y measured in output y coordinates to the position in page y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 410
def convert_output_to_page_y(y)
convert_page_to_frame_dx(dx) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dx measured in page x coordinates to the distance in frame x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 435
def convert_page_to_frame_dx(dx)
convert_page_to_frame_dy(dy) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dy measured in page y coordinates to the distance in frame y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 440
def convert_page_to_frame_dy(dy)
convert_page_to_frame_x(x) click to toggle source

Convert the position x measured in page x coordinates to the position in frame x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 425
def convert_page_to_frame_x(x)
convert_page_to_frame_y(y) click to toggle source

Convert the position y measured in page y coordinates to the position in frame y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 430
def convert_page_to_frame_y(y)
convert_page_to_output_dx(dx) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dx measured in page x coordinates to the distance in output x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 395
def convert_page_to_output_dx(dx)
convert_page_to_output_dy(dy) click to toggle source

Convert the distance dy measured in page y coordinates to the distance in output y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 400
def convert_page_to_output_dy(dy)
convert_page_to_output_x(x) click to toggle source

Convert the position x measured in page x coordinates to the position in output x coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 384
def convert_page_to_output_x(x)
convert_page_to_output_y(y) click to toggle source

Convert the position y measured in page y coordinates to the position in output y coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 390
def convert_page_to_output_y(y)
convert_to_degrees(dx, dy) click to toggle source

Returns the angle measured in degrees clockwise from the horizontal for the slope specified by dx and dy given in figure coordinates.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 545
def convert_to_degrees(dx, dy)
frame_bottom click to toggle source

The position of the bottom of the frame in the page y coordinate system which runs from 0 at the bottom to 1 at the top. Initialized to 0.2 and changed by set_subframe.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 133
def frame_bottom
frame_height click to toggle source

The height of the frame in page coordinates. Initialized to 0.6 and changed by set_subframe.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 157
def frame_height
frame_left click to toggle source

The position of the left of the frame in the page x coordinate system which runs from 0 at the left to 1 at the right. Initialized to 0.2 and changed by set_subframe.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 117
def frame_left
frame_right click to toggle source

The position of the right of the frame in the page x coordinate system which runs from 0 at the left to 1 at the right. Initialized to 0.8 and changed by set_subframe.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 125
def frame_right
frame_top click to toggle source

The position of the top of the frame in the page y coordinate system which runs from 0 at the bottom to 1 at the top. Initialized to 0.8 and changed by set_subframe.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 141
def frame_top
frame_width click to toggle source

The width of the frame in page coordinates. Initialized to 0.6 and changed by set_subframe.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 149
def frame_width
page_bottom click to toggle source

The position of the bottom of the page in the device coordinate system – measured in output page coordinates (1/720 inch).

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 80
def page_bottom
page_height click to toggle source

The height of the page in the device coordinate system – measured in output page coordinates (1/720 inch).

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 101
def page_height
page_left click to toggle source

The position of the left of the page in the device coordinate system – measured in output page coordinates (1/720 inch).

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 66
def page_left
page_right click to toggle source

The position of the right of the page in the device coordinate system – measured in output page coordinates (1/720 inch).

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 73
def page_right
page_top click to toggle source

The position of the top of the page in the device coordinate system – measured in output page coordinates (1/720 inch).

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 87
def page_top
page_width click to toggle source

The width of the page in the device coordinate system – measured in output page coordinates (1/720 inch).

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 94
def page_width
row_margins(dict) click to toggle source

Returns a dictionary with entries for 'top_margin' and 'bottom_margin' suitable for use with set_subframe. The margins are determined by the row specifications in the argument dict. The uppermost row is number 1 and the number of rows equals the row number for the bottom-most row. The entries 'top_margin' and 'bottom_margin' determine the space above and below the rows, and 'row_margin' is the space between rows, all given as fractions of the frame height. The space between the outer margins is divided to make room for 'num_rows' of equally tall rows. The returned margins bracket the requested 'row', or the requested range of rows from 'first_row' to 'last_row', inclusive. See also column_margins.

Dictionary Entries

'top_margin'        => a_float      # default is 0
'bottom_margin'     => a_float      # default is 0
'row_margin'        => a_float      # default is 0
'row'               => an_integer
'first_row'         => an_integer   # default is 1
'last_row'          => an_integer   # default is 'first_row'
'num_rows'          => an_integer   # default is 'last_row'
# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 332
def row_margins(dict)
set_bounds(dict=nil) click to toggle source

Sets the bounds according to the entries in the dictionary argument (called by show_plot).

The values of the entries are the figure coordinates for the edges of the frame. The following attributes are changed: #bounds_left, #bounds_right, #bounds_bottom, #bounds_top, xaxis_reversed, #bounds_xmin, #bounds_xmax, #bounds_width, yaxis_reversed, #bounds_ymin, #bounds_ymax, #bounds_height, default_text_height_dx, and default_text_height_dy.

Dictionary Entries

'bounds_left' => a_float     # required
'bounds_right' => a_float    # required
'bounds_top' => a_float      # required
'bounds_bottom' => a_float   # required
'left_boundary'              # alias for 'bounds_left'
'right_boundary'             # alias for 'bounds_right'
'top_boundary'               # alias for 'bounds_top'
'bottom_boundary'            # alias for 'bounds_bottom'

The following forms are also supported for calls to #set_bounds:

set_bounds('boundaries' => [ left, right, top, bottom ])
set_bounds([ left, right, top, bottom ])
# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 360
def set_bounds(dict=nil)
set_device_pagesize(width, height) # measured in output page coordinates (1/720 inch) click to toggle source

The page coordinates go from 0.0 to 1.0 with (0,0) at the lower left and (1,1) at the upper right. This command sets the physical size of this rectangle in the output coordinate

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 59
def set_device_pagesize(width, height)
set_frame_sides(left, right, top, bottom) # sizes in page coords [0..1] click to toggle source

This command sets #frame_left, #frame_right, #frame_top, and #frame_bottom to the given values.

# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 109
def set_frame_sides(left, right, top, bottom)
set_subframe(dict=nil) click to toggle source

Adjusts frame margins according to the entries in the dictionary argument.

Note that this does not automatically adjust the clipping rectangle to the new frame. If you want the clipping changed, call clip_to_frame after calling set_subframe.

Dictionary Entries

'left_margin'      => a_float     # optional
'right_margin'     => a_float     # optional
'top_margin'       => a_float     # optional
'bottom_margin'    => a_float     # optional
'left'                            # alias for 'left_margin'
'right'                           # alias for 'right_margin'
'top'                             # alias for 'top_margin'
'bottom'                          # alias for 'bottom_margin'

The following forms are also supported for calls to #set_subframe:

set_subframe('margins' => [ left, right, top, bottom ])
set_subframe([ left, right, top, bottom ])
# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 261
def set_subframe(dict=nil)
tex_preamble click to toggle source
tex_preamble = a_string

This string will be used as the “preamble” for the TeX file. The default does “usepackage” commands for “color” and “geometry”. You may want to use some other packages as well. Here's an example of how to do it which adds the 'marvosym' package by inserting the following line into the 'initialize' routine.

t.tex_preamble = t.tex_preamble + "\n\t\\usepackage{marvosym}\n"
# File lib/Tioga/Page_Frame_Bounds.rb, line 562
def tex_preamble