class Tioga::Legends

These are the methods and attributes for plot legends.

Public Instance Methods

legend_alignment click to toggle source
legend_alignment = an_alignment

Used as the alignment value in showing legend text.

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 182
def legend_alignment
legend_defaults click to toggle source
legend_defaults = a_dictionary

This dictionary holds defaults for show_plot_with_legend.

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 75
def legend_defaults
legend_height click to toggle source

Returns the height (in units of text heights) of the currently saved legend information.

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 24
def legend_height
legend_info click to toggle source

The current array of saved legend dictionaries. See #save_legend_info for details.

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 82
def legend_info
legend_justification click to toggle source
legend_justification = a_justification

Used as the justification value in showing legend text.

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 190
def legend_justification
legend_line_dy click to toggle source
legend_line_dy = a_float

Each line in a legend is shifted up from the text baseline by this amount measured in units of text height. The corresponding distance in figure coordinates is (legend_line_dy * #legend_scale * default_text_height_dy).

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 112
def legend_line_dy
legend_line_width click to toggle source
legend_line_width = a_float

If this is non-negative, then it is used as the line_width attribute when stroking the lines in a legend. If it is negative, then each legend line is stroked using the value of the line_width attribute at the time the legend information for the entry was saved by save_legend_info.

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 166
def legend_line_width
legend_line_x0 click to toggle source
legend_line_x0 = a_float

The x position for the start of lines in a legend, measured in units of text height. The corresponding position in figure coordinates is (legend_line_x0 * #legend_scale * default_text_height_dx).

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 92
def legend_line_x0
legend_line_x1 click to toggle source
legend_line_x1 = a_float

The x position for the end of lines in a legend, measured in units of text height. The corresponding position in figure coordinates is (legend_line_x1 * #legend_scale * default_text_height_dx).

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 102
def legend_line_x1
legend_scale click to toggle source
legend_scale = a_float

Used for determining positions in the legend and for showing legend text.

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 174
def legend_scale
legend_text_dy click to toggle source
legend_text_dy = a_float

The distance in y to move down after a legend line entry, measured in units of text height. The corresponding distance in figure coordinates is (legend_text_dy * #legend_scale * default_text_height_dy).

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 155
def legend_text_dy
legend_text_width click to toggle source
legend_text_width = a_float

The assumed width of text in a legend, measured in units of text height. The corresponding width in figure coordinates is (legend_text_width * #legend_scale * default_text_height_dx). The figure bounding box is expanded if necessary to provide for this much space. If #legend_text_width is negative, then the system will provide a default value depending on the placement of the legend.

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 125
def legend_text_width
legend_text_xstart click to toggle source
legend_text_xstart = a_float

The x position for the start of text in a legend, measured in units of text height. The corresponding position in figure coordinates is (legend_text_xstart * #legend_scale * default_text_height_dx).

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 135
def legend_text_xstart
legend_text_ystart click to toggle source
legend_text_ystart = a_float

The y position for the start of text in a legend, measured in units of text height. The corresponding position in figure coordinates is (legend_text_ystart * #legend_scale * default_text_height_dy).

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 145
def legend_text_ystart
reset_legend_info click to toggle source

Clears the current legend information.

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 13
def reset_legend_info
save_legend_info(text) click to toggle source

Saves information for later use in creating a legend. If called with a string as argument, is equivalent to calling with a dictionary having a single entry with key 'text' and value the string.

Dictionary Entries

'text'          => a_string      # text of the legend
'line_color'    => a_color       # defaults to self.line_color
'line_width'    => a_float       # defaults to self.line_width
'line_cap'      => a_line_cap    # defaults to self.line_cap
'line_type'     => a_line_type or 'None'   # defaults to self.line_type
'dy'            => a_float       # defaults to self.legend_text_dy
'marker'        => a_marker      # defaults to nil
'marker_color'  => a_color       # defaults to self.line_color
'marker_scale'  => a_float       # defaults to 0.5
'marker_dict'   => a_dictionary  # defaults to nil

The dictionary holding the information is appended to the #legend_info array. If the 'marker' entry is present, then the marker with the given 'marker_color' and 'marker_scale' will be shown in the middle of the legend line. If the 'marker_dict' entry is present, it will have the values for 'x' and 'y' set to the location of the middle of the legend line and then it will be passed to the show_marker method. This gives you the option of using the full range of marker functionality in legends – perhaps you'd like to use a line marker that is rotated, stretched, filled in one color, and stroked in another! Sometimes you just want to have a marker in the legend without a line; do this by setting line_type to 'None'.

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 67
def save_legend_info(arg)
save_legend_separator(dy) click to toggle source

Creates a vertical space of dy text heights in the legend.

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 17
def save_legend_separator(dy)
show_legend(legend_background_function=nil) click to toggle source

Shows the legend in the current frame. If given a function arguement, it calls the function with bounds [left, right, top, bottom] for the rectangle where the legend will be shown. You can use this opportunity to provide a background for the legend info and a frame around it too if you'd like.

# File lib/Tioga/Legends.rb, line 35
def show_legend(legend_background_function=nil)