class Tioga::Arcs_and_Circles

These are the methods for creating and using arcs and circles in PDF graphics.

Public Instance Methods

append_arc_to_path(x_start, y_start, x_corner, y_corner, x_end, y_end, dx, dy) click to toggle source

Like adding lines from start to corner to end, but with the corner rounded with a radius equal to the minimum of the actual output distances for dx and dy.

The illustration shows in dark blue the arc that is added for the control points given in red.

# File lib/Tioga/Arcs_and_Circles.rb, line 16
def append_arc_to_path(x_start, y_start, x_corner, y_corner, x_end, y_end, dx, dy)
append_circle_to_path(x, y, r) click to toggle source

Create a circle with center at (x, y) having radius r (given in x units).

# File lib/Tioga/Arcs_and_Circles.rb, line 20
def append_circle_to_path(x, y, r)
append_oval_to_path(x, y, dx, dy, angle) click to toggle source

Equivalent to the following: create a unit circle with center at (x, y), scale it by dx in the x direction, scale it by dy in the y direction, then rotate it counter-clockwise by angle degrees.

# File lib/Tioga/Arcs_and_Circles.rb, line 41
def append_oval_to_path(x, y, dx, dy, angle)
clip_circle(x, y, r) click to toggle source

Calls #append_circle_to_path followed by clip.

# File lib/Tioga/Arcs_and_Circles.rb, line 24
def clip_circle(x, y, r)
clip_oval(x, y, dx, dy, angle) click to toggle source

Calls #append_oval_to_path followed by clip.

# File lib/Tioga/Arcs_and_Circles.rb, line 45
def clip_oval(x, y, dx, dy, angle)
fill_and_stroke_circle(x, y, r) click to toggle source

Calls #append_circle_to_path followed by fill_and_stroke.

# File lib/Tioga/Arcs_and_Circles.rb, line 36
def fill_and_stroke_circle(x, y, r)
fill_and_stroke_oval(x, y, dx, dy, angle) click to toggle source

Calls #append_oval_to_path followed by fill_and_stroke.

# File lib/Tioga/Arcs_and_Circles.rb, line 57
def fill_and_stroke_oval(x, y, dx, dy, angle)
fill_circle(x, y, r) click to toggle source

Calls #append_circle_to_path followed by fill.

# File lib/Tioga/Arcs_and_Circles.rb, line 28
def fill_circle(x, y, r)
fill_oval(x, y, dx, dy, angle) click to toggle source

Calls #append_oval_to_path followed by fill.

# File lib/Tioga/Arcs_and_Circles.rb, line 49
def fill_oval(x, y, dx, dy, angle)
stroke_circle(x, y, r) click to toggle source

Calls #append_circle_to_path followed by stroke.

# File lib/Tioga/Arcs_and_Circles.rb, line 32
def stroke_circle(x, y, r)
stroke_oval(x, y, dx, dy, angle) click to toggle source

Calls #append_oval_to_path followed by stroke.

# File lib/Tioga/Arcs_and_Circles.rb, line 53
def stroke_oval(x, y, dx, dy, angle)