class Dobjects::Dvector

Dvectors are a specialized implementation of one-dimensional arrays of double precision floating point numbers. They are intended for use in applications needing efficient processing of large vectors of numeric data. Essentially any of the operations you might do with a 1D Ruby Array of numbers can also be done with a Dvector. Just like Arrays, Dvector indexing starts at 0. A negative index is assumed to be relative to the end of the vector—that is, an index of -1 indicates the last element of the vector, -2 is the next to last element in the vector, and so on. Element reference and element assignment are the same as for Arrays, allowing for (start,length) or (range) as well as for simple indexing. All of the other Array operations that make sense for a 1D array of numbers are also provided for Dvectors. For example, you can “fetch” or “fill” with Dvectors, but there is no “assoc” or “compact” for them since one looks for arrays as elements and the other looks for nil elements, neither of which are found in Dvectors.

In addition to the usual Array methods, there are a variety of others that operate on the contents of the entire vector without the use of explicit iterators. These routines are crucial for efficient processing of large vectors. For example, “vec.sqrt” will create a vector of square roots of entries in vec more efficiently than the semantically equivalent form “vec.collect { |x| sqrt(x) }”.

All of the numeric methods also have 'bang' versions that modify the contents of the vector in place; for example, “vec.sqrt!” is more efficient than “vec = vec.sqrt”. By providing implicit iterators and in-place modification, Dvectors make it possible to operate on large vectors of doubles in Ruby at speeds closely approaching a C implementation.

As a final example, for diehards only, say we have large vectors holding values of abundances of total helium (xhe), singly ionized helium (xhe1), and doubly ionized helium (xhe2). We're missing the values for neutral helium, but that is just what's left of total helium after you subtract the two ionized forms, so it is easy to compute it. Finally, we need to calculate the log of the abundance of neutral helium and store it in another vector (log_xhe0).

If we don't care about creating work for the garbage collector, we can simply do this

log_xhe0 = (xhe - xhe1 - xhe2).log10

This works, but it creates multiple temporary vectors for intermediate results. If, like me, you're compulsive about efficiency, you can do the whole thing with no garbage created at all:

log_xhe0 =

This copies xhe to log_xhe0, subtracts xhe1 and xhe2 from log_xhe0 in place, and then takes the log, also in place. It's not pretty, but it is efficient – use if needed.

Please report problems with the Dvector extension to the tioga-users at mailing list. [Note: for N-dimensional arrays or arrays of complex numbers or integers as well as doubles, along with a variety of matrix operations, check out the NArray extension.]

Dvector now also prides itselfs with a _dump and a _load function, which means you can Marshal them.



::fancy_read's defaults options. See that function for more details


Public Class Methods

[](*args) click to toggle source

Returns a new Dvector populated with the given objects.

Dvector.[]( 1, 2, 3, 4 )      -> a_dvector
Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]         -> a_dvector
static VALUE dvector_s_create(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) {
   VALUE ary = make_new_dvector(klass, argc, argc);
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   if (argc < 0) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "negative number of arguments");
   ary_to_dvector(argv, argc, d->ptr);
   return ary;
_load(p1) click to toggle source

Called by the marshalling mechanism to retrieve a permanent copy of a Dvector.

VALUE dvector_load(VALUE klass, VALUE str)
  VALUE ret = Qnil;
  VALUE s = StringValue(str);
  unsigned char * buf = (unsigned char *) StringValuePtr(s);
  unsigned char * dest = buf + RSTRING_LEN(s);
  unsigned i; /* for GET_UNSIGNED */
  unsigned tmp = 0;
  double * data;
  /*  depending on the first byte, the decoding will be different */
    case 1:
      GET_UNSIGNED(tmp, buf);
      /* create a new Dvector with the right size */
      ret = rb_funcall(cDvector, rb_intern("new"), 1, UINT2NUM(tmp));
      data = Dvector_Data_for_Write(ret, NULL);
      for(i = 0; i< tmp; i++)
          if(buf + 8 > dest)
                       "corrupted data given to Dvector._load");
              data[i] = get_double(buf);
              buf += 8;
      rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "corrupted data given to Dvector._load");
  return ret;
compute_formula(formula, a, modules = []) click to toggle source

This function is a rudimentary formula computing stuff. Give it a text formula and an array of Dvectors (a), and it returns a Dvector with the result. The formula should contain the following;


represents the current element of the n th Dvector of the array

This is just a try, and should be implemented in C rather than in Ruby. But if you're looking for simplicity, here you go ;-) !

modules are the modules you would wish the evaluator to include. This feature enables one to make sure custom functions are included

# File lib/Dobjects/Dvector_extras.rb, line 223
def Dvector.compute_formula(formula, a, modules = []) # :doc:

  evaluator =, "column", modules)
  # if we reach this place, it means that there a no big syntax errors ;-)
  # we now need to inspect the array given, and make sure that there is
  # and transform it into a clean stuff (an array with only Dvectors and
  # nil elements).
  target = []
  last = nil
  a.each { |elem| 
    if elem.is_a? Dvector
      target << elem
      last = elem
      target << nil
  raise "No Dvector found" unless last
  # we check all the vectors have the same length
  target.each {|x| 
    if x && x.length != last.length
      raise "Dvectors should have all the same length !" 
  res =
  last.each_index { |i|
    args = target.collect { |val| 
      if val
    # we add the index at the beginning:
    #         args.unshift(i) 
    # Commented out for simplicity
    # then we call the block:
    elem = evaluator.compute(args)
    res << elem
  return res
create_pm_cubic_interpolant(xs, ys) → interpolant click to toggle source

Uses Dvectors xs and ys to create a cubic pm_cubic interpolant. The xs must be given in ascending order. The interpolant is an array of Dvectors: [Xs, Ys, As, Bs, Cs]. For x between Xs and Xs, let dx = x - Xs, and find interpolated y for x by y = As*dx^3 + Bs*dx^2 + Cs*dx + Ys. pm_cubic algorithms derived from Steffen, M., “A simple method for monotonic interpolation in one dimension”,

Astron. Astrophys., (239) 1990, 443-450.
VALUE dvector_create_pm_cubic_interpolant(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) {
   if (argc != 2)
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d) for create_pm_cubic_interpolant", argc);
   klass = Qnil;
   VALUE Xs = argv[0], Ys = argv[1];
   long xdlen, ydlen;
   double *X_data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(Xs, &xdlen);
   double *Y_data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(Ys, &ydlen);
   if (X_data == NULL || Y_data == NULL || xdlen != ydlen)
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Data for create_pm_cubic_interpolant must be equal length Dvectors");
   int nx = xdlen;
   VALUE As = Dvector_Create(), Bs = Dvector_Create(), Cs = Dvector_Create();
   double *As_data = Dvector_Data_Resize(As, nx);
   double *Bs_data = Dvector_Data_Resize(Bs, nx);
   double *Cs_data = Dvector_Data_Resize(Cs, nx);
   c_dvector_create_pm_cubic_interpolant(nx, X_data, Y_data, As_data, Bs_data, Cs_data);
   VALUE result = rb_ary_new2(5);
   rb_ary_store(result, 0, Xs);
   rb_ary_store(result, 1, Ys);
   rb_ary_store(result, 2, As);
   rb_ary_store(result, 3, Bs);
   rb_ary_store(result, 4, Cs);
   return result;
create_spline_interpolant(xs, ys, start_clamped, start_slope, end_clamped, end_slope) → interpolant click to toggle source

Uses Dvectors xs and ys to create a cubic spline interpolant. The xs must be given in ascending order. There is a boundary condition choice to be made for each end concerning the slope. If clamped is true, the correspdoning slope argument value sets the slope. If clamped is false (known as a “free” or “natural” spline), the 2nd derivative is set to 0 and the slope is determined by the fit. In this case, the corresponding slope argument is ignored. The interpolant is an array of Dvectors: [Xs, Ys, As, Bs, Cs]. For x between Xs and Xs, let dx = x - Xs, and find interpolated y for x by y = As*dx^3 + Bs*dx^2 + Cs*dx + Ys. (Spline algorithms derived from Burden & Faires, Numerical Analysis, 4th edition, pp 131 and following.)

VALUE dvector_create_spline_interpolant(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) {
   if (argc != 6)
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d) for create_spline_interpolant", argc);
   klass = Qnil;
   VALUE Xs = argv[0], Ys = argv[1];
   VALUE start_clamped = argv[2], start_slope = argv[3], end_clamped = argv[4], end_slope = argv[5];
   long xdlen, ydlen;
   double start = 0.0, end = 0.0;
   double *X_data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(Xs, &xdlen);
   double *Y_data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(Ys, &ydlen);
   if (X_data == NULL || Y_data == NULL || xdlen != ydlen)
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Data for create_spline_interpolant must be equal length Dvectors");
   bool start_flg = (start_clamped == Qtrue);
   bool end_flg = (end_clamped == Qtrue);
   if (start_flg) { start_slope = rb_Float(start_slope); start = NUM2DBL(start_slope); }
   if (end_flg) { end_slope = rb_Float(end_slope); end = NUM2DBL(end_slope); }
   int n_pts_data = xdlen;
   VALUE As = Dvector_Create(), Bs = Dvector_Create(), Cs = Dvector_Create();
   double *As_data = Dvector_Data_Resize(As, n_pts_data);
   double *Bs_data = Dvector_Data_Resize(Bs, n_pts_data);
   double *Cs_data = Dvector_Data_Resize(Cs, n_pts_data);
   c_dvector_create_spline_interpolant(n_pts_data, X_data, Y_data,
      start_flg, start, end_flg, end, As_data, Bs_data, Cs_data);
   VALUE result = rb_ary_new2(5);
   rb_ary_store(result, 0, Xs);
   rb_ary_store(result, 1, Ys);
   rb_ary_store(result, 2, As);
   rb_ary_store(result, 3, Bs);
   rb_ary_store(result, 4, Cs);
   return result;
fancy_read(stream, cols = nil, opts = {}) click to toggle source

This function is a wrapper for fast_fancy_read that reflects the look-and-feel of old_fancy_read

# File lib/Dobjects/Dvector_extras.rb, line 95
def Dvector.fancy_read(stream, cols = nil, opts = {}) # :doc:

  if stream.is_a?(String)
    stream =
  raise"'stream' should have a gets method") unless 
    stream.respond_to? :gets
  o['sep'] =['sep']) unless o['sep'].is_a? Regexp
  res = Dvector.fast_fancy_read(stream, o)

  # Adding the index columns if necessary
  if o["index_col"] 
    res.unshift([0].length) { |i| i})

  if cols
    return {|i| res[i] }
    return res
fast_fancy_read(stream, options) → Array_of_Dvectors click to toggle source

Reads data from an IO stream (or anything that supports a gets method) and separate it into columns of data according to the options, a hash holding the following elements (compulsory, but you can use FANCY_READ_DEFAULTS):

'sep': a regular expression that separate the entries
'comments': any line matching this will be skipped
'skip_first': skips that many lines before reading anything
'index_col': if true, the first column returned contains the
number of the line read
'remove_space': whether to remove spaces at the beginning of a line.
'comment_out': this should be an array into which the comments
 will be dumped one by one.
'default':  what to put when nothing was found but a number must be used
'last_col': when this is specified, it represents the last column which
 is read and parsed as numbers (0-based, so the 3rd column is 2). 
 The remaining is returned as text in one n+1 column
'text_columns': if provided, it is an array of integers containing the 
0-based indices of columns to be parsed as text rather than numbers.

In addition to these options that control the output, here are a few others to tune memory allocation; these can strongly improve the performance (or make it worse if you wish):

'initial_size': the initial size of the memory buffers: if there
are not more lines than that, no additional memory allocation/copy
static VALUE dvector_fast_fancy_read(VALUE self, VALUE stream, VALUE options)
  /* First, we read up options: */
  double def = rb_num2dbl(rb_hash_aref(options, 
  int remove_space = RTEST(rb_hash_aref(options, 
//  int index_col = RTEST(rb_hash_aref(options, 
//                                   rb_str_new2("index_col")));
  long skip_first = FIX2LONG(rb_hash_aref(options, 
  VALUE sep = rb_hash_aref(options, rb_str_new2("sep"));
  VALUE comments = rb_hash_aref(options, rb_str_new2("comments"));
  VALUE comment_out = rb_hash_aref(options, rb_str_new2("comment_out"));

  /* Elements after that many columns  */
  VALUE lc = rb_hash_aref(options, rb_str_new2("last_col"));
  long last_col = RTEST(lc) ? FIX2LONG(lc) : -1;
  VALUE text_columns = rb_hash_aref(options, rb_str_new2("text_columns"));

  /* Then, some various variables: */
  VALUE line;

  ID chomp_id = rb_intern("chomp!");
  ID gets_id = rb_intern("gets");
  ID max_id = rb_intern("max");
  ID size_id = rb_intern("size");
  /* We compute the maximum number of text columns */
  long last_text_col = last_col+1;
  VALUE mx = RTEST(text_columns) ? rb_funcall(text_columns, max_id, 0) : Qnil;
  if(RTEST(mx) && last_text_col < 0) { /* Only taking the max into
                                          account if the last col
                                          stuff is not on */
    long d = FIX2LONG(mx);
    last_text_col = d;

  /* array of Ruby arrays containing the text objects of interest */
  VALUE * text_cols = NULL;

    Handling of text columns.

    The number and position of text columns has to be known in
    advance. For each of those, the value of text_columns isn't Qnil,
    and the corresponding column is NULL.

  if(last_text_col >= 0) {
    text_cols = ALLOC_N(VALUE, last_text_col + 1);
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < last_text_col + 1; i++)
      text_cols[i] = Qnil;
    if(last_col >= 0) {
      text_cols[last_col+1] = marked_array();
    if(RTEST(mx)) {
      /* Todo */
      int sz = 
      int i;
      for(i = 0; i <  sz; i++) {
        long idx = FIX2LONG(rb_ary_entry(text_columns, i));
        if(idx >= 0 && (last_col < 0 || idx < last_col)) {
          text_cols[idx] = marked_array();

  long line_number = 0;

     Now come the fun part - rudimentary vectors management

     TODO: if the stream provides functionality to get its total size,
     it could be interesting to estimate the total number of lines
     based on some small heuristics
  int nb_vectors = 0;           /* The number of vectors currently created */
  int current_size = 10;        /* The number of slots available */
  double ** vectors = ALLOC_N(double *, current_size);
  long index = 0;               /* The current index in the vectors */
  /* The size available in the vectors */
  int allocated_size = 
    FIX2LONG(rb_hash_aref(options, rb_str_new2("initial_size"))); 

  int i;
  for(i = 0; i < current_size; i++)
    vectors[i] = NULL;

  /* The return value */
  VALUE ary;

  /* We use a real gets so we can also use StringIO, for instance */
  while(RTEST(line = rb_funcall(stream, gets_id, 0))) {
    VALUE pre, post, match;
    const char * line_ptr;
    int col = 0;
    /* Whether we should skip the line... */
    if(skip_first >= line_number)

    /* We check for a blank line using isspace: */
    line_ptr = StringValueCStr(line);
    while(line_ptr && *line_ptr) {
      if(! isspace(*line_ptr))
    if(! *line_ptr)
      continue;                 /* We found a blank line  */
    if(remove_space)            /* We replace the contents of the line  */
      line = rb_str_new2(line_ptr);

    /* ... or a comment line */
    if(RTEST(comments) && RTEST(rb_reg_match(comments, line))) {
        rb_ary_push(comment_out, line);

    /* Then, we remove the newline: */
    post = line;
    rb_funcall(post, chomp_id, 0);

    /* We iterate over the different portions between
    while(RTEST(post)) {
      const char * a;
      char * b;
      if(RTEST(rb_reg_match(sep, post))) {
        match = rb_gv_get("$~");
        pre = rb_reg_match_pre(match);
        post = rb_reg_match_post(match);
      else {
        pre = post;
        post = Qnil;
      if(text_cols && col <= last_text_col && RTEST(text_cols[col])) {
        rb_ary_push(text_cols[col], pre);
        if(col >= nb_vectors) {
          nb_vectors ++;
          if(col < current_size)
            vectors[col] = NULL;
      else {
        a = StringValueCStr(pre);
        double c = strtod(a, &b);
        if(b == a) 
          c = def;
        if(col >= nb_vectors) {
          /* We need to create a new vector */
          if(col >= current_size) { /* Increase the available size */
            current_size = col + 5;
            REALLOC_N(vectors, double * , current_size);
          for(; nb_vectors <= col; nb_vectors++)
            vectors[nb_vectors] = NULL; /* default to NULL */
          double * vals = vectors[col] = ALLOC_N(double, allocated_size);
          /* Filling it with the default value */
          for(i = 0; i < index; i++) {
            vals[i] = def;
        vectors[col][index] = c;
      if(last_col >= 0 && col > last_col) {
        rb_ary_push(text_cols[last_col + 1], post);
        nb_vectors = col + 1;
    /* Now, we finish the line */
    for(; col < nb_vectors; col++) {
      if(text_cols && col <= last_text_col && RTEST(text_cols[col]))
        rb_ary_push(text_cols[col], Qnil);
        vectors[col][index] = def;
    /* Now, we reallocate memory if necessary */
    if(index >= allocated_size) {
      allocated_size *= 2;      /* We double the size */
      for(col = 0; col < nb_vectors; col++) {
        if(col < current_size && vectors[col])
          REALLOC_N(vectors[col], double, allocated_size);
  /* Now, we make up the array */
  ary = rb_ary_new();
  for(i = 0; i < nb_vectors; i++) {
    /* We create a vector */
    if(text_cols && i <= last_text_col && RTEST(text_cols[i]))
      rb_ary_store(ary, i, text_cols[i]);
    else {
      rb_ary_store(ary, i, make_dvector_from_data(cDvector, index, vectors[i]));
      /* And free the memory */
  return ary;
from_na(na) click to toggle source

thanks to Dave MacMahon for ::from_na and #to_na Create a Dvector from an NArray.

# File lib/Dobjects/Dvector_extras.rb, line 64
def Dvector.from_na(na)
  _load([1, na.length, na.to_s].pack('CIa*'))
is_a_dvector(p1) click to toggle source

Checks if the given object is a Dvector. Mainly here for testing purposes, as it corresponds to the internal is_a_dvector.

VALUE dvector_is_a_dvector(VALUE self, VALUE obj)
    return Qtrue;
  return Qfalse;
linear_interpolate(x, xs, ys) → y click to toggle source

Returns the y corresponding to x by linear interpolation using the Dvectors xs and ys.

VALUE dvector_linear_interpolate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) {
   if (argc != 3)
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d) for linear_interpolate", argc);
   klass = Qnil;
   VALUE x = argv[0];
   VALUE Xs = argv[1];
   VALUE Ys = argv[2];
   Dvector *X_data = Get_Dvector(Xs);
   Dvector *Y_data = Get_Dvector(Ys);
   if (X_data->len <= 0 || X_data->len != Y_data->len)
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Xs and Ys for linear_interpolate must be equal length Dvectors: xlen %ld ylen %ld.", 
         X_data->len, Y_data->len);
   x = rb_Float(x);
   double y = c_dvector_linear_interpolate(X_data->len, X_data->ptr, Y_data->ptr, NUM2DBL(x));
   return rb_float_new(y);
max_of_many(ary) → number or nil click to toggle source

Returns the maximum value held in the array of Dvectors (or nil if ary is empty). Any nil entries in ary are ignored.

VALUE dvector_max_of_many(VALUE klass, VALUE ary) {
   VALUE *ary_ptr;
   long ary_len, i;
   Dvector *d;
   double m=0.0, tmp;
   bool found_one = false;
   ary = rb_Array(ary);
   ary_ptr = RARRAY_PTR(ary);
   ary_len = RARRAY_LEN(ary);
   if (ary_len == 0) return Qnil;
   for (i = 0; i < ary_len; i++) {
      if (ary_ptr[i] == Qnil) continue;
      d = Get_Dvector(ary_ptr[i]);
      if (d->len == 0) continue;
      if (!found_one) { m = c_dvector_max(d); found_one = true; }
      else {
         tmp = c_dvector_max(d);
         if (tmp > m) m = tmp;
   if (!found_one) return Qnil;
   return rb_float_new(m);
min_of_many(ary) → number or nil click to toggle source

Returns the minimum value held in the array of Dvectors (or nil if ary is empty). Any nil entries in ary are ignored.

VALUE dvector_min_of_many(VALUE klass, VALUE ary) {
   VALUE *ary_ptr;
   long ary_len, i;
   Dvector *d;
   double m=0.0, tmp;
   bool found_one = false;
   ary = rb_Array(ary);
   ary_ptr = RARRAY_PTR(ary);
   ary_len = RARRAY_LEN(ary);
   if (ary_len == 0) return Qnil;
   for (i = 0; i < ary_len; i++) {
      if (ary_ptr[i] == Qnil) continue;
      d = Get_Dvector(ary_ptr[i]);
      if (d->len == 0) continue;
      if (!found_one) { m = c_dvector_min(d); found_one = true; }
      else {
         tmp = c_dvector_min(d);
         if (tmp < m) m = tmp;
   if (!found_one) return Qnil;
   return rb_float_new(m);
new → a_dvector click to toggle source
new(size=0, value=0) → a_dvector
new(other) → a_dvector
new(size) {|index| block } → a_dvector

Returns a new Dvector. In the first form, the new vector is empty. In the second it is created with size copies of value The third form creates a copy of the other vector passed as a parameter (this can also be an Array). In the last form, a vector of the given size is created. Each element in this vector is calculated by passing the element's index to the given block and storing the return value.                       -> Dvector[]                    -> Dvector[ 0, 0 ], -1)                -> Dvector[ -1, -1, -1 ] {|i| i**2 + 1}     -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 5 ]
VALUE dvector_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) {
   long len;
   VALUE size, val;
   Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary);
   if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &size, &val) == 0) {
      d->len = 0;
      if (rb_block_given_p()) {
         rb_warning("given block not used");
      return ary;
   if (argc == 1 && !FIXNUM_P(size)) {
      val = dvector_check_array_type(size);
      if (!NIL_P(val)) {
         dvector_replace(ary, val);
         return ary;
   len = NUM2LONG(size);
   if (len < 0) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "negative array size");
   if (len > 0 && len * (long)sizeof(VALUE) <= len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "array size too big");
   if (len > d->capa) {
      REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, len);
      d->capa = len;
   if (rb_block_given_p()) {
      long i;
      if (argc == 2) {
         rb_warn("block supersedes default value argument");
      for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
         dvector_store(ary, i, rb_yield(LONG2NUM(i)));
         d->len = i + 1;
   } else if (val == Qnil) {
      dvector_memfill(d->ptr, len, 0.0);
      d->len = len;
   } else {
      val = rb_Float(val);
      dvector_memfill(d->ptr, len, NUM2DBL(val));
      d->len = len;
   /* we ensure that the vector is clean on exit of initialize */
   d->dirty = 0;
   return ary;
old_fancy_read(stream, cols = nil, opts = {}) click to toggle source

This function reads in stream (can an IO object or a String, in which case it represents the name of a file to be opened) the columns specified by cols and returns them. column 0 is the first column. If cols is nil, then ::fancy_read attempts to find all the columns in the file, while filling absent data with NaN.

opts is a hash for tuning the behavior of the reading. It can hold the following keys:


the record separator


a regular expression matching comment lines


how many lines to skip at the beginning of the file,


the value taken for missing elements


if set to true, the first column contains the indices of the elements (starting from 0 for first and so on)

# File lib/Dobjects/Dvector_extras.rb, line 137
def Dvector.old_fancy_read(stream, cols = nil, opts = {}) # :doc:
  # first, we turn the stream into a real IO stream
  if stream.is_a?(String)
    stream =
  raise"'stream' should have a gets method") unless 
    stream.respond_to? :gets
  # we take default options and override them with opts
  o = FANCY_READ_DEFAULTS.merge(opts)
  # strip off the first lines.
  while o["skip_first"] > 0
    o["skip_first"] -= 1

  # then, parsing the lines. We store the results in an array. We read up
  # all columns, regardless of what is asked (it doesn't slow that much
  # the process -- or does it ?)
  columns = []
  line_number = 0 # the number of the significant lines read so far
  while line = stream.gets
    next if line =~ o["comments"]
    next if line =~ /^\s*$/ # skip empty lines
    if o["remove_space"]
    elements = line.split(o["sep"])
    # now, the fun: the actual reading.
    # we first turn this elements into floats:
    numbers = elements.collect do |s| 
        a = Float(s)

    if numbers.size < columns.size 
      # we pad it with default values
      while numbers.size < columns.size
        numbers << o["default"]
      # in that case, we need to create new Dvectors to match the
      # size of numbers
      while columns.size < numbers.size
        columns <<, o["default"]) 
    # now, we should have the same number of elements both
    # in numbers and in columns
    columns.size.times do |i|
      columns[i] << numbers[i]
    # and it's done ;-) !

    line_number += 1
  # Adding the index columns if necessary
  if o["index_col"] 
    columns.unshift([0].length) { |i| i})

  return columns unless cols
  return cols.collect { |i| 
pm_cubic_interpolate(x, interpolant) → y click to toggle source

Returns the y corresponding to x by pm_cubic interpolation using the interpolant which was previously created by calling create_pm_cubic_interpolant.

VALUE dvector_pm_cubic_interpolate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) {
   if (argc != 2)
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d) for pm_cubic_interpolate", argc);
   klass = Qnil;
   VALUE x = argv[0];
   VALUE interpolant = argv[1];
   x = rb_Float(x);
   interpolant = rb_Array(interpolant);
   if (RARRAY_LEN(interpolant) != 5)
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "interpolant must be array of length 5 from create_pm_cubic_interpolant");
   Dvector *Xs = Get_Dvector(rb_ary_entry(interpolant,0));
   Dvector *Ys = Get_Dvector(rb_ary_entry(interpolant,1));
   Dvector *As = Get_Dvector(rb_ary_entry(interpolant,2));
   Dvector *Bs = Get_Dvector(rb_ary_entry(interpolant,3));
   Dvector *Cs = Get_Dvector(rb_ary_entry(interpolant,4));
   if (Xs->len <= 0 || Xs->len != Ys->len || Xs->len != Bs->len || Xs->len != Cs->len || Xs->len != As->len)
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "interpolant must be from create_pm_cubic_interpolant");
   double y = c_dvector_pm_cubic_interpolate(NUM2DBL(x), Xs->len, Xs->ptr, Ys->ptr, As->ptr, Bs->ptr, Cs->ptr);
   return rb_float_new(y);
read(filename, dest=nil, start=1, length=-1) → array of dvectors click to toggle source

The data on the file should be organized in columns of numbers, with one row per line. The start parameter determines the starting line and defaults to 1 meaning start at the first line of the file. The length parameter determines the number of lines to be read and defaults to -1 meaning read to the end of the file. Each column of data is stored in a Dvector. If the dest argument is nil, the result array holds the newly created vectors with the leftmost column in array entry 0, the second column in entry 1, and so on. If dest is not nil, it must be an array with entries either Dvectors or nil. For entries that are Dvectors, the contents of the vector are replaced by the column of data from the file. If the entry is nil, that column of the file is skipped.

VALUE dvector_read(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) {
   char *arg1 ;
   VALUE arg2 = Qnil;
   int arg3 = (int) 1 ;
   int arg4 = (int) -1 ;
   if ((argc < 1) || (argc > 4))
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d) for read", argc);
   arg1 = StringValueCStr(argv[0]);
   if (argc > 1) arg2 = argv[1];
   if (argc > 2) arg3 = NUM2INT(argv[2]);
   if (argc > 3) arg4 = NUM2INT(argv[3]);
   return Read_Dvectors(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
   klass = Qnil;
read(filename, dest=nil, start=1, length=-1) → array of dvectors click to toggle source

The data on the file should be organized in columns of numbers, with one row per line. The start parameter determines the starting line and defaults to 1 meaning start at the first line of the file. The length parameter determines the number of lines to be read and defaults to -1 meaning read to the end of the file. Each column of data is stored in a Dvector. If the dest argument is nil, the result array holds the newly created vectors with the leftmost column in array entry 0, the second column in entry 1, and so on. If dest is not nil, it must be an array with entries either Dvectors or nil. For entries that are Dvectors, the contents of the vector are replaced by the column of data from the file. If the entry is nil, that column of the file is skipped.

VALUE dvector_read(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) {
   char *arg1 ;
   VALUE arg2 = Qnil;
   int arg3 = (int) 1 ;
   int arg4 = (int) -1 ;
   if ((argc < 1) || (argc > 4))
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d) for read", argc);
   arg1 = StringValueCStr(argv[0]);
   if (argc > 1) arg2 = argv[1];
   if (argc > 2) arg3 = NUM2INT(argv[2]);
   if (argc > 3) arg4 = NUM2INT(argv[3]);
   return Read_Dvectors(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
   klass = Qnil;
read_row(filename, row=1, dvector=nil) → dvector click to toggle source

This routine reads a row of numbers from the named file. The row argument determines which line of the file to read, starting at 1 for the first line. If the dvector argument is nil, a new Dvector is allocated to hold the row of numbers. Otherwise, the contents of dvector are replaced by the numbers from the line in the file.

VALUE dvector_read_row(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) {
   char *arg1 ;
   int arg2 = (int) 1 ;
   VALUE arg3 = Qnil;
   if ((argc < 1) || (argc > 3))
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d) for read_row", argc);
   arg1 = StringValueCStr(argv[0]);
   if (argc > 1) arg2 = NUM2INT(argv[1]);
   if (argc > 2) arg3 = argv[2];
   return Read_Row(arg1,arg2,arg3);
   klass = Qnil;
read_rows(filename, dest, start=1) → array of dvectors click to toggle source

The data on the file should be organized in rows of numbers, with one row per line. The rows need not all have the same number of entries since each row is placed in its own Dvector. The start parameter determines the starting line and defaults to 1 meaning start at the first line of the file. The dest must be an array with entries either Dvectors or nil. For entries that are Dvectors, the contents of the vector are replaced by the row of data from the file. The start row is placed in the first entry in dest, the second row in the next, and so on. If the entry in dest is nil, that row of the file is skipped.

VALUE dvector_read_rows(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) {
   int arg3 = (int) 1 ;
   if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 3))
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d) for read_rows", argc);
   if (argc > 2) arg3 = NUM2INT(argv[2]);
   return Read_Rows_of_Dvectors(StringValueCStr(argv[0]),argv[1],arg3);
   klass = Qnil;
spline_interpolate(x, interpolant) → y click to toggle source

Returns the y corresponding to x by spline interpolation using the interpolant which was previously created by calling create_spline_interpolant.

VALUE dvector_spline_interpolate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) {
   if (argc != 2)
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d) for spline_interpolate", argc);
   klass = Qnil;
   VALUE x = argv[0];
   VALUE interpolant = argv[1];
   x = rb_Float(x);
   interpolant = rb_Array(interpolant);
   if (RARRAY_LEN(interpolant) != 5)
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Spline interpolant must be array of length 5 from create_spline_interpolant");
   Dvector *Xs = Get_Dvector(rb_ary_entry(interpolant,0));
   Dvector *Ys = Get_Dvector(rb_ary_entry(interpolant,1));
   Dvector *As = Get_Dvector(rb_ary_entry(interpolant,2));
   Dvector *Bs = Get_Dvector(rb_ary_entry(interpolant,3));
   Dvector *Cs = Get_Dvector(rb_ary_entry(interpolant,4));
   if (Xs->len <= 0 || Xs->len != Ys->len || Xs->len != Bs->len || Xs->len != Cs->len || Xs->len != As->len)
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Spline interpolant must be from create_spline_interpolant");
   double y = c_dvector_spline_interpolate(NUM2DBL(x), Xs->len, Xs->ptr, Ys->ptr, As->ptr, Bs->ptr, Cs->ptr);
   return rb_float_new(y);
write(file, cols, options = {}) click to toggle source

Writes an array of Dvectors into a text file

# File lib/Dobjects/Dvector_extras.rb, line 280
def Dvector.write(file, cols, options = {})
  ops = WRITE_DEFAULTS.update(options)
  if file.is_a?(String)
    file =, ops["write_mode"])
  nb = {|d| d.size}.max # The number of lines
  nb.times do |i|
    file.puts( {|d| d[i].to_s }.join(ops["sep"]))

Public Instance Methods

Alias for: modulo
Alias for: mul
Alias for: pow
Alias for: add
Alias for: sub
Alias for: neg
Alias for: div
dvector << number → dvector click to toggle source

Append—Pushes the given number on to the end of this vector. This expression returns the vector itself, so several appends may be chained together.

Dvector[ 1, 2 ] << -3.3 << 1e3    ->  Dvector[ 1, 2, 3.3, 1000.0 ]
VALUE dvector_push(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   item = rb_Float(item);
   Dvector_Push_Double(ary, NUM2DBL(item));
   return ary;
dvector <=> other → -1, 0, +1 click to toggle source

Comparison—Returns an integer (-1, 0, or +1) if this vector is less than, equal to, or greater than other. Two vectors are “equal'' according to Dvector#<=> if and only if they have the same length and contain exactly the same values.

Dvector[ 1, 1, 2 ] <=> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ]        -> -1
Dvector[ 1, 1, 2 ] <=> Dvector[ 1, 0, 3 ]        -> +1
Dvector[ 1, 1, 2 ] <=> Dvector[ 1, 1, 2, 3 ]     -> -1
Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] <=> Dvector[ 1, 2 ]  -> +1
VALUE dvector_cmp(VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2) {
   long i, len;
   Dvector *d1, *d2;
   double *p1, *p2, v1, v2;
   d1 = Get_Dvector(ary1);
   d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2);
   len =d1->len;
   if (len > d2->len) {
      len = d2->len;
   p1 = d1->ptr; p2 = d2->ptr;
   for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
      v1 = *p1++; v2 = *p2++;
      if (v1 < v2) return INT2FIX(-1);
      if (v1 > v2) return INT2FIX(1);
   len = d1->len - d2->len;
   if (len == 0) return INT2FIX(0);
   if (len > 0) return INT2FIX(1);
   return INT2FIX(-1);
Alias for: eql?
dvector[int] → number or nil click to toggle source
dvector[start, length] → dvector or nil
dvector[range] → dvector or nil
slice(index) → number or nil
slice(start, length) → dvector or nil
slice(range) → dvector or nil

Element Reference—Returns the element at index int, or returns a subvector starting at start and continuing for length elements, or returns a subvector specified by range. Negative indices count backward from the end of the vector (-1 is the last element). Returns nil if the index (or starting index) are out of range. If the start index equals the vector size and a length or range parameter is given, an empty vector is returned.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
a[2] + a[0] + a[1]     -> 6
a[6]                   -> nil
a[1, 2]                -> Dvector[ 2, 3 ]
a[1..3]                -> Dvector[ 2, 3, 4 ]
a[4..7]                -> Dvector[ 5 ]
a[6..10]               -> nil
a[-3, 3]               -> Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ]
# special cases
a[5]                   -> nil
a[5, 1]                -> Dvector[]
a[5..10]               -> Dvector[]
VALUE dvector_aref(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) {
   VALUE arg;
   long beg, len;
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   if (argc == 2) {
      if (SYMBOL_P(argv[0])) {
         rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Symbol as array index");
      beg = NUM2LONG(argv[0]);
      len = NUM2LONG(argv[1]);
      if (beg < 0) {
         beg += d->len;
      return dvector_subseq(ary, beg, len);
   if (argc != 1) {
      rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", 0, 0);
   arg = argv[0];
   /* special case - speeding up */
   if (FIXNUM_P(arg)) {
      return dvector_entry(ary, FIX2LONG(arg));
   if (SYMBOL_P(arg)) {
      rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Symbol as array index");
   /* check if idx is Range */
   switch (rb_range_beg_len(arg, &beg, &len, d->len, 0)) {
      case Qfalse:
      case Qnil:
         return Qnil;
         return dvector_subseq(ary, beg, len);
   return dvector_entry(ary, NUM2LONG(arg));
Also aliased as: slice
dvector[int] = number click to toggle source
dvector[start, length] = number or a_dvector or an_array or nil
dvector[range] = number or a_dvector or an_array or nil

Element Assignment—Sets the element at index int, or replaces a subvector starting at start and continuing for length elements, or replaces a subvector specified by range. Returns the assigned object as value. If indices are greater than the current capacity of the vector, the vector grows automatically by adding zeros. Negative indices will count backward from the end of the vector. Inserts elements if length is zero. If nil is used in the second and third forms, deletes elements from dvector. A 1D Array of numbers can be used on the right in the second and third forms in place of a Dvector. An IndexError is raised if a negative index points past the beginning of the vector. See also Dvector#push, and Dvector#unshift.

a =
a[4] = 4;                      -> Dvector[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 4 ]
a[0, 3] = [ 1, 2, 3 ]          -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 0, 4 ]
a[1..2] = [ 1, 2 ]             -> Dvector[ 1, 1, 2, 0, 4 ]
a[0, 2] = -1                   -> Dvector[ -1, 2, 0, 4 ]
a[0..2] = 1                    -> Dvector[ 1, 4 ]
a[-1]   = 5                    -> Dvector[ 1, 5 ]
a[1..-1] = nil                 -> Dvector[ 1 ]
VALUE dvector_aset(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) {
   long offset, beg, len;
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   VALUE arg1;
   if (argc == 3) {
      if (SYMBOL_P(argv[0])) {
         rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Symbol as vector index");
      if (SYMBOL_P(argv[1])) {
         rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Symbol as subvector length");
      dvector_splice(ary, NUM2LONG(argv[0]), NUM2LONG(argv[1]), argv[2]);
      return argv[2];
   if (argc != 2) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 2)", argc);
   if (FIXNUM_P(argv[0])) {
      offset = FIX2LONG(argv[0]);
      goto fixnum;
   if (SYMBOL_P(argv[0])) {
      rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Symbol as vector index");
   if (rb_range_beg_len(argv[0], &beg, &len, d->len, 1)) {
      /* check if idx is Range */
      arg1 = argv[1];
      if (arg1 != Qnil && !rb_obj_is_kind_of(arg1, rb_cNumeric) && !is_a_dvector(arg1))
         arg1 = dvector_to_dvector(arg1);
      dvector_splice(ary, beg, len, arg1);
      return arg1;
   offset = NUM2LONG(argv[0]);
   dvector_store(ary, offset, argv[1]);
   return argv[1];
_dump(p1) click to toggle source

Called by the marshalling mechanism to store a permanent copy of a Dvector. limit is simply ignored.

VALUE dvector_dump(VALUE ary, VALUE limit)
  int i; /* for STORE_UNSIGNED */
  long len;
  double * data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(ary, &len);
  long target_len = 1 /* first signature byte */
    + 4 /* length */
    + len * 8 ;
  unsigned u_len = (unsigned) len; /* this is bad, I know, but it
                                      won't hurt before it is common
                                      that computers have 32 GB of RAM...

  VALUE str = rb_str_new2("");
  rb_str_resize(str,target_len); /* This seems to do the trick */
  /* \begin{playing with ruby's internals} */
  unsigned char * ptr = (unsigned char *) RSTRING_PTR(str);
  /* signature byte */
  STORE_UNSIGNED(u_len, ptr); /* destroys u_len */
  while(len-- > 0)
      store_double(*(data++), ptr);
      ptr += 8;
  /*   RSTRING_LEN(str) = target_len; */
  return str;
  /* \end{playing with ruby's internals} */
abs → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with all entries replaced by their absolute values.

a = Dvector[ 1, -2, -3, 4 ]
a.abs   -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
VALUE dvector_abs(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, fabs);
abs! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with abs(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.abs!   -> Dvector[ 1.1, 2.2, 5.3 ]
a        -> Dvector[ 1.1, 2.2, 5.3 ]
VALUE dvector_abs_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, fabs);
acos → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with entry x replaced by acos(x).

a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, -0.3, 0.4 ]
a.acos   -> Dvector[ acos(0.1), acos(-0.2), acos(-0.3), acos(0.4) ]
VALUE dvector_acos(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, acos);
acos! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with acos(x).

a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, 0.3 ]
a.acos!   -> Dvector[ acos(0.1), acos(-0.2), acos(0.3) ]
a         -> Dvector[ acos(0.1), acos(-0.2), acos(0.3) ]
VALUE dvector_acos_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, acos);
acosh → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with entry x replaced by acosh(x).

a = Dvector[ 5.1, 2.2, 1.3 ]
a.acosh   -> Dvector[ acosh(5.1), acosh(2.2), acosh(1.3) ]
VALUE dvector_acosh(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_acosh);
acosh! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with acosh(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, 2.2, 5.3 ]
a.acosh!   -> Dvector[ acosh(1.1), acosh(2.2), acosh(5.3) ]
a          -> Dvector[ acosh(1.1), acosh(2.2), acosh(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_acosh_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_acosh);
add(number) → a_dvector click to toggle source
add(other) → a_dvector
dvector + number → a_dvector
number + dvector → a_dvector
dvector + other → a_dvector

When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x + number. When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x + the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ]
a.add(3)              -> Dvector[ 14, -2, 5 ]
a + 3                 -> Dvector[ 14, -2, 5 ]
3 + a                 -> Dvector[ 14, -2, 5 ]
b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -10 ]
a.add(b)              -> Dvector[ 18, -1, -8 ]
a + b                 -> Dvector[ 18, -1, -8 ]
VALUE dvector_add(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_add);
Also aliased as: +, plus
add!(number) → dvector click to toggle source
add!(other) → dvector

When argument is a number, each entry x in dvector is replaced by x + number. When argument is a vector, each entry x in dvector is replaced by x + the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ]
a.add!(3)              -> Dvector[ 14, -2, 5 ]
a                      -> Dvector[ 14, -2, 5 ]
a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ]
b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -10 ]
a.add!(b)              -> Dvector[ 18, -1, -8 ]
a                      -> Dvector[ 18, -1, -8 ]
VALUE dvector_add_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_add);
Also aliased as: plus!
as_exponent_of(number) → a_dvector click to toggle source
as_exponent_of(other) → a_dvector

When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by number ** x. When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by the corresponding entry in the other vector raised to the power x.

a = Dvector[ 2, -5, 12 ]
a.as_exponent_of(3.8)              -> Dvector[ 3.8 ** 2, 3.8 ** (-5), 3.8 ** 12 ]
b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10 ]
a.as_exponent_of(b)                -> Dvector[ 7.1 ** 2, 4.9 ** (-5), (-10) ** 12 ]
VALUE dvector_as_exponent_of(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_as_exponent_of);
as_exponent_of!(number) → dvector click to toggle source
as_exponent_of!(other) → dvector

When argument is a number, this operation replaces each entry x of dvector by number ** x. When argument is a vector, this operation replaces each entry x of dvector by the corresponding entry in the other vector raised to the power x.

a = Dvector[ 2, -5, 12 ]
a.as_exponent_of!(3.8)              -> Dvector[ 3.8 ** 2, 3.8 ** (-5), 3.8 ** 12 ]
a                                   -> Dvector[ 3.8 ** 2, 3.8 ** (-5), 3.8 ** 12 ]
b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10 ]
a.as_exponent_of!(b)                -> Dvector[ 7.1 ** 2, 4.9 ** (-5), (-10) ** 12 ]
a                                   -> Dvector[ 7.1 ** 2, 4.9 ** (-5), (-10) ** 12 ]
VALUE dvector_as_exponent_of_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_as_exponent_of);
asin → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with entry x replaced by asin(x).

a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, -0.3, 0.4 ]
a.asin   -> Dvector[ asin(0.1), asin(-0.2), asin(-0.3), asin(0.4) ]
VALUE dvector_asin(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, asin);
asin! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with asin(x).

a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, 0.3 ]
a.asin!   -> Dvector[ asin(0.1), asin(-0.2), asin(0.3) ]
a         -> Dvector[ asin(0.1), asin(-0.2), asin(0.3) ]
VALUE dvector_asin_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, asin);
asinh → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with entry x replaced by asinh(x).

a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, 0.3 ]
a.asinh   -> Dvector[ asinh(0.1), asinh(-0.2), asinh(0.3) ]
VALUE dvector_asinh(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_asinh);
asinh! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with asinh(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, 2.2, 5.3 ]
a.asinh!   -> Dvector[ asinh(1.1), asinh(2.2), asinh(5.3) ]
a          -> Dvector[ asinh(1.1), asinh(2.2), asinh(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_asinh_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_asinh);
at(int) → number or nil click to toggle source

Returns the element at index int. A negative index counts from the end of dvector. Returns nil if the index is out of range.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]     -> 1    -> 5
VALUE dvector_at(VALUE ary, VALUE pos) {
   return dvector_entry(ary, NUM2LONG(pos));
atan → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with entry x replaced by atan(x).

a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, -0.3, 0.4 ]
a.atan   -> Dvector[ atan(0.1), atan(-0.2), atan(-0.3), atan(0.4) ]
VALUE dvector_atan(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, atan);
atan! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with atan(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.atan!   -> Dvector[ atan(1.1), atan(-2.2), atan(5.3) ]
a         -> Dvector[ atan(1.1), atan(-2.2), atan(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_atan_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, atan);
atan2(number) → a_dvector click to toggle source
atan2(other) → a_dvector

When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by the angle whose tangent is x/number. When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by the angle whose tangent is x divided by the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 12.7 ]
a.atan2(3.8)              -> Dvector[ atan2(1.1, 3.8), atan2(-5.7,3.8), atan2(12.7,3.8) ]
b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10.1 ]
a.atan2(b)                -> Dvector[ atan2(1.1,7.1), atan2(-5.7,4.9), atan2(12.7,-10.1) ]
VALUE dvector_atan2(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, atan2);
atan2!(number) → dvector click to toggle source
atan2!(other) → dvector

When argument is a number, this operation replaces each entry x of dvector by the angle whose tangent is x/number. When argument is a vector, this operation replaces each entry x of dvector by the angle whose tangent is x divided by the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 12.7 ]
a.atan2!(3.8)              -> Dvector[ atan2(1.1, 3.8), atan2(-5.7,3.8), atan2(12.7,3.8) ]
a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 12.7 ]
b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10.1 ]
a.atan2!(b)                -> Dvector[ atan2(1.1,7.1), atan2(-5.7,4.9), atan2(12.7,-10.1) ]
VALUE dvector_atan2_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, atan2);
atanh → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with entry x replaced by atanh(x).

a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, 0.3 ]
a.atanh   -> Dvector[ atanh(0.1), atanh(-0.2), atanh(0.3) ]
VALUE dvector_atanh(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_atanh);
atanh! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with atanh(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.atanh!   -> Dvector[ atanh(1.1), atanh(-2.2), atanh(5.3) ]
a          -> Dvector[ atanh(1.1), atanh(-2.2), atanh(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_atanh_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_atanh);
bounds() click to toggle source

Returns the boundaries of a Dvector, that is [min, max]. It ignores NaN and will complain if the Dvector contains only NaN.

v = Dvector[0.0/0.0, 0.0/0.0, 1,2,4,5,9,0.0/0.0,0.1]
v.bounds -> [0.1, 9]
static VALUE dvector_bounds(VALUE self)
  double min, max;
  VALUE ret;
  long len;
  double * data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(self, &len);
  /* skip all NaNs at the beginning */
  while(len-- > 0)
      min = max = *(data-1);
      while(len-- > 0)
          if(! isnan(*data))
              if(*data < min)
                min = *data;
              if(*data > max)
                max = *data;
      ret = rb_ary_new2(2);
      rb_ary_store(ret, 0, rb_float_new(min));
      rb_ary_store(ret, 1, rb_float_new(max));
      return ret;
             "bounds called on an array containing only NaN");
  return Qnil;
ceil → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with entry x replaced by smallest integer not less than x.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.ceil   -> Dvector[ 2, -2, 6 ]
VALUE dvector_ceil(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, ceil);
ceil! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with the smallest integer not less than x.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.ceil!   -> Dvector[ 2, -2, 6 ]
a         -> Dvector[ 2, -2, 6 ]
VALUE dvector_ceil_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, ceil);
clean? → _true_ or _false_ click to toggle source

Returns true if the vector hasn't been modified since the last time dirty was cleared. See dirty?.

VALUE dvector_is_clean(VALUE ary) {
    return Qfalse;
  return Qtrue;
clear → dvector click to toggle source

Removes all elements from dvector.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
a.clear    -> Dvector[]
VALUE dvector_clear(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary);
   d->len = 0;
   if (DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE * 2 < d->capa) {
      REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE * 2);
      d->capa = DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE * 2;
   return ary;
collect {|x| block } → a_dvector click to toggle source
map {|x| block } → a_dvector

Invokes block once for each element of dvector. Returns a new vector holding the values returned by block. Note that for numeric operations on long vectors, it is more efficient to apply the operator directly to the vector rather than using map or collect.

 a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] {|x| x**2 + 1 }      -> Dvector[ 2, 5, 10, 17 ]
A better way:
 a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
 a**2 + 1                   -> Dvector[ 2, 5, 10, 17 ]
VALUE dvector_collect(VALUE ary) {
   long i;
   VALUE collect;
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   if (!rb_block_given_p()) {
      if ( is_a_dvector(ary) ) {
         return dvector_new4_dbl(d->len, d->ptr);
      ary = rb_Array(ary);
      return dvector_new4(d->len, RARRAY_PTR(ary));
   collect = dvector_new2(0,d->len);
   for (i = 0; i < d->len; i++) {
      dvector_push(collect, rb_yield(rb_float_new(d->ptr[i])));
   return collect;
Also aliased as: map
collect! {|x| block } → dvector click to toggle source
map! {|x| block } → dvector

Invokes block once for each element of dvector, replacing the element with the value returned by block.

Note that for numeric operations on long vectors, it is more efficient to apply the operator directly to the vector rather than using these operators.

a = Dvector[ 2, -3, 7 ]! {|x| x**2 + 1 }      -> Dvector[ 5, 10, 50 ]
a                           -> Dvector[ 5, 10, 50 ]

A better way:

a.mul!(a).add!(1)           -> Dvector[ 5, 10, 50 ]
VALUE dvector_collect_bang(VALUE ary) {
   long i;
   Dvector *d= dvector_modify(ary);
   for (i = 0; i < d->len; i++) {
      dvector_store(ary, i, rb_yield(rb_float_new(d->ptr[i])));
   return ary;
Also aliased as: map!
collect2(other) {|x,y| block } → dvector click to toggle source
map2(other) {|x,y| block } → dvector

Calls block for each element of dvector along with the corresponding element in other. Creates a new vector containing the values returned by block. The vectors must be the same size.

a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ]
b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ]
a.map2(b) {|x,y| x**2 + y**2 }  -> Dvector[ 10, 16, 26 ]
VALUE dvector_collect2(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2) {
   long i;
   VALUE collect;
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2);
   if (d->len != d2->len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%ld vs %ld) for collect2", d->len, d2->len);
   if (!rb_block_given_p()) {
      return dvector_collect(ary);
   collect = dvector_new2(0,d->len);
   for (i = 0; i < d->len; i++) {
      dvector_push(collect, rb_yield_values(2, rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[i])));
   return collect;
Also aliased as: map2
collect2! {|x,y| block } → dvector click to toggle source
map2! {|x,y| block } → dvector

Invokes block once for each element of dvector, replacing the element with the value returned by block.

a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ]
b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ]
a.map2!(b) {|x,y| x**2 + y**2 }  -> Dvector[ 10, 16, 26 ]
a                                -> Dvector[ 10, 16, 26 ]
VALUE dvector_collect2_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2) {
   long i;
   Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary);
   Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2);
   if (d->len != d2->len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%ld vs %ld) for collect2!", d->len, d2->len);
   for (i = 0; i < d->len; i++) {
      dvector_store(ary, i, rb_yield_values(2, rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[i])));
   return ary;
Also aliased as: map2!
concat(other) → dvector click to toggle source

Appends the elements in other to dvector. other can either be a Dvector or a 1D Array of numbers.

a = Dvector[1, 5, -3] a.concat([6, 7]) -> Dvector[ 1, 5, -3, 6, 7 ]

a -> Dvector[ 1, 5, -3, 6, 7 ]

VALUE dvector_concat(VALUE x, VALUE y) {
   Dvector *c, *d;
   y = dvector_to_dvector(y);
   c = Get_Dvector(x);
   d = Get_Dvector(y);
   if (d->len > 0) {
      dvector_splice(x, c->len, 0, y);
   return x;
convolve(kernel, middle) click to toggle source

convolve applies a simple convolution to the vector using kernel centered at the point middle. (0 is the leftmost point of the kernel).

static VALUE dvector_convolve(VALUE self, VALUE kernel, VALUE middle)
  long len;
  const double * values = Dvector_Data_for_Read(self, &len);
  VALUE retval = dvector_new2(len,len);
  double * ret = Dvector_Data_for_Write(retval,NULL);
  long kernel_len;
  const double * ker = Dvector_Data_for_Read(kernel, &kernel_len);
  /* I guess */
  long mid = NUM2LONG(middle);
  if(mid > kernel_len)
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "middle should be within kernel's range");
      long i,j,k;
      for(i = 0; i < len; i++) 
          double sum = 0, k_sum = 0;
          for(j = 0; j < kernel_len; j++) 
              /* check that we are within the vector */
              k = i - mid + j;         /* The current index inside the vector */
              /* This code is equivalent to saying that the vector is
                 prolongated until infinity with values at the boundaries
                 -> no, obnoxious, I think. Simply don't take care
                 of these points
                 -> yes, finally ?
              if( k < 0)
/*              continue; */
                k = 0;
              if( k >= len)
/*              continue; */
                k = len - 1;
              sum += ker[j] * values[k];
              k_sum += ker[j];
          sum/= k_sum;
          ret[i] = sum;
  return retval;
cos → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with entry x replaced by cos(x).

a = Dvector[ 1, -2, -3, 4 ]
a.cos   -> Dvector[ cos(1), cos(-2), cos(-3), cos(4) ]
VALUE dvector_cos(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, cos);
cos! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with cos(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.cos!   -> Dvector[ cos(1.1), cos(-2.2), cos(5.3) ]
a        -> Dvector[ cos(1.1), cos(-2.2), cos(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_cos_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, cos);
cosh → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with entry x replaced by cosh(x).

a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, 0.3 ]
a.cosh   -> Dvector[ cosh(0.1), cosh(-0.2), cosh(0.3) ]
VALUE dvector_cosh(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, cosh);
cosh! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with cosh(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.cosh!   -> Dvector[ cosh(1.1), cosh(-2.2), cosh(5.3) ]
a         -> Dvector[ cosh(1.1), cosh(-2.2), cosh(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_cosh_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, cosh);
delete(number) → number or nil click to toggle source
delete(number) { block } → number or nil

Deletes items from dvector that are equal to number. If number is not found, returns nil. If the optional code block is given, returns the result of block if the item is not found.

a = {|i| i*3 }
a.delete(6)                     -> 6
a                               -> Dvector[0, 3, 9, 12]
a.delete(2)                     -> nil
a.delete(2) { "not found" }     -> "not found"
VALUE dvector_delete(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   long len, i1, i2;
   Dvector *d;
   double val, e;
   item = rb_Float(item);
   val = NUM2DBL(item);
   d = dvector_modify(ary);
   len = d->len;
   for (i1 = i2 = 0; i1 < d->len; i1++) {
      e = d->ptr[i1];
      if (e == val) continue;
      if (i1 != i2) {
         d->ptr[i2] = e;
   if (len == i2) {
      if (rb_block_given_p()) {
         return rb_yield(item);
      return Qnil;
   if (len > i2) {
      d->len = i2;
      if (i2 * 2 < d->capa && d->capa > DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE) {
         REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, i2 * 2);
         d->capa = i2 * 2;
   return item;
delete_at(int) → number or nil click to toggle source

Deletes the element at the specified index int, returning that element, or nil if the index is out of range.

a = {|i| i*3 }
a.delete_at(2)                   -> 6
a                                -> Dvector[0, 3, 9, 12]
a.delete_at(6)                   -> nil
VALUE dvector_delete_at_m(VALUE ary, VALUE pos) {
    return dvector_delete_at(ary, NUM2LONG(pos));
delete_if {|x| block } → dvector click to toggle source

Deletes every element of dvector for which block evaluates to true.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
a.delete_if {|x| x.modulo(2) == 0 }   -> Dvector[1, 3]
a                                     -> Dvector[ 1, 3 ]
VALUE dvector_delete_if(VALUE ary) {
   return ary;
Alias for: dirty?
dirty= _true_ or _false_ → dvector click to toggle source

Sets (or unsets) the dirty flag. Returns dvector.

VALUE dvector_set_dirty(VALUE ary, VALUE b) {
  Dvector *d;
  d = Get_Dvector(ary);
  d->dirty = RTEST(b);
  return ary;
dirty? → _true_ or _false_ click to toggle source

Returns true if the vector has been modified since the last time dirty was cleared. When a Dvector is created or copied, dirty is set to false. It is set to true whenever the vector is modified. You need to reset it manually using dirty=.

VALUE dvector_is_dirty(VALUE ary) {
  Dvector *d;
  d = Get_Dvector(ary);
    return Qtrue;
    return Qfalse;
Also aliased as: dirty
div(number) → a_dvector click to toggle source
div(other) → a_dvector
dvector - number → a_dvector
number - dvector → a_dvector
dvector - other → a_dvector

When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x / number. When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x / the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 2.5 ]
a.div(3.8)              -> Dvector[ 1.1/3.8, -5.7/3.8, 2.5/3.8 ]
a / 3.8                 -> Dvector[ 1.1/3.8, -5.7/3.8, 2.5/3.8 ]
3 / a                   -> Dvector[ 3.8/1.1, -3.8/5.7, 3.8/2.5 ]
b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10.1 ]
a.div(b)                -> Dvector[ 1.1/7.1, -5.7/4.9, 2.5/10.1 ]
a / b                   -> Dvector[ 1.1/7.1, -5.7/4.9, 2.5/10.1 ]
VALUE dvector_div(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_div);
Also aliased as: /
div!(number) → dvector click to toggle source
div!(other) → dvector

When argument is a number, each entry x in dvector is replaced by x / number. When argument is a vector, each entry x in dvector is replaced by x / the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 2.5 ]
a.div!(3.8)             -> Dvector[ 1.1/3.8, -5.7/3.8, 2.5/3.8 ]
a                       -> Dvector[ 1.1/3.8, -5.7/3.8, 2.5/3.8 ]
a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 2.5 ]
b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10.1 ]
a.div!(b)               -> Dvector[ 1.1/7.1, -5.7/4.9, 2.5/10.1 ]
a                       -> Dvector[ 1.1/7.1, -5.7/4.9, 2.5/10.1 ]
VALUE dvector_div_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_div);
dot(other) → number click to toggle source

Returns the sum of the products of entries in dvector and other. Returns 0.0 if dvector is empty. The vectors must be the same length.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
b = Dvector[ 1, -3, 3, 0 ]        -> 4
Dvector[].dot(b)   -> 0
VALUE dvector_dot(VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2) {
   Dvector *d1 = Get_Dvector(ary1), *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2);
   double *p1 = d1->ptr, *p2 = d2->ptr, sum = 0.0;
   long len = d1->len, i;
   if (len != d2->len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%ld vs %ld) for dot", d1->len, d2->len);
   for (i=0; i<len; i++) sum += p1[i] * p2[i];
   return rb_float_new(sum);
dup → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns a copy of dvector. For performance sensitive situations involving a series of vector operations, first make a copy using dup and then do “bang” operations to modify the result without further copying.

VALUE dvector_dup(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   return dvector_new4_dbl(d->len, d->ptr);
each {|x| block } → dvector click to toggle source

Calls block once for each element in dvector, passing that element as a parameter.

a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ]
a.each {|x| print x, " -- " }


1 -- 0 -- -1 --
VALUE dvector_each(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   long i;
   for (i=0; i < d->len; i++) {
   return ary;
each2(other) {|x,y| block } click to toggle source

Calls block once for each element in dvector, passing that element as a parameter along with the corresponding element from the other vector. The two vectors must be the same length.

a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ]
b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ]
a.each2(b) {|x,y| print "(", x ",", y, ") " }


(1,3) (0,4) (-1,5)
VALUE dvector_each2(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2);
   long i;
   if (d->len != d2->len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%ld vs %ld) for each2", d->len, d2->len);
   for (i=0; i < d->len; i++) {
      rb_yield_values(2, rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[i]));
   return ary;
each2_with_index(other) {|x,y,index| block } click to toggle source

Calls block once for each element in dvector, passing the element, the corresponding element from the other vector, and the index.

a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ]
b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ]
a.each2_with_index(b) {|x,y,i| print "(", x ",", y, ",", i, ") " }


(1,3,0) (0,4,1) (-1,5,2)
VALUE dvector_each2_with_index(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2);
   long i;
   if (d->len != d2->len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%ld vs %ld) for each2_with_index", d->len, d2->len);
   for (i=0; i < d->len; i++) {
      rb_yield_values(3, rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[i]), LONG2NUM(i));
   return ary;
each3(other1, other2) {|x,y, z| block } click to toggle source

Calls block once for each element in dvector, passing that element as a parameter along with the corresponding element from the other1 and other2 vectors. The three vectors must be the same length.

a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ]
b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ]
c = Dvector[ 6, 9, 2 ]
a.each3(b, c) {|x,y,z| print "(", x ",", y, ", ", z, ") " }


(1,3,6) (0,4,9) (-1,5,2)
VALUE dvector_each3(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2, VALUE ary3) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2);
   Dvector *d3 = Get_Dvector(ary3);
   long i;
   if (d->len != d2->len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%ld vs %ld) for each3", d->len, d2->len);
   if (d->len != d3->len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%ld vs %ld) for each3", d->len, d3->len);
   for (i=0; i < d->len; i++) {
      rb_yield_values(3, rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[i]), rb_float_new(d3->ptr[i]));
   return ary;
each3_with_index(other1, other2) {|x,y,z,i| block } click to toggle source

Calls block once for each element in dvector, passing that element as a parameter along with the corresponding element from the other1 and other2 vectors and the index. The three vectors must be the same length.

a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ]
b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ]
c = Dvector[ 6, 9, 2 ]
a.each3(b, c) {|x,y,z,i| print "(", x ",", y, ", ", z, ",", i, ") " }


(1,3,6,0) (0,4,9,1) (-1,5,2,2)
VALUE dvector_each3_with_index(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2, VALUE ary3) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2);
   Dvector *d3 = Get_Dvector(ary3);
   long i;
   if (d->len != d2->len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%ld vs %ld) for each3", d->len, d2->len);
   if (d->len != d3->len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%ld vs %ld) for each3", d->len, d3->len);
   for (i=0; i < d->len; i++) {
      rb_yield_values(4, rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[i]), rb_float_new(d3->ptr[i]), LONG2NUM(i));
   return ary;
each_index {|index| block } → dvector click to toggle source

Same as Dvector#each, but passes the index of the element instead of the element itself.

a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ]
a.each_index {|x| print x, " -- " }


0 -- 1 -- 2 --
VALUE dvector_each_index(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   long i;
   for (i=0; i < d->len; i++) {
   return ary;
each_with_index {|x,index| block } → dvector click to toggle source

Same as Dvector#each, but passes the index of the element in addition to the element itself.

VALUE dvector_each_with_index(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   long i;
   for (i=0; i < d->len; i++) {
      rb_yield_values(2, rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]), LONG2NUM(i));
   return ary;
empty? → true or false click to toggle source

Returns true if dvector vector contains no elements.

Dvector[].empty?   -> true
VALUE dvector_empty_p(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   if (d->len == 0)
      return Qtrue;
   return Qfalse;
eql?(other) → true or false click to toggle source

Returns true if dvector and other have the same content. other can either be a Dvector or a 1D Array of numbers.

VALUE dvector_eql(VALUE ary1, VALUE ary2) {
   long i, len;
   Dvector *d1, *d2;
   double *p1, *p2;
   if (ary1 == ary2) return Qtrue;
   if (ary1 == Qnil || ary2 == Qnil) return Qfalse;
   d1 = Get_Dvector(ary1);
   d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2);
   len = d1->len;
   if (len != d2->len) return Qfalse;
   p1 = d1->ptr; p2 = d2->ptr;
   for (i=0; i < len; i++) {
      if (*p1++ != *p2++) return Qfalse;
   return Qtrue;
Also aliased as: ==
exp → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by exp(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.exp   -> Dvector[ exp(1.1), exp(-2.2), exp(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_exp(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, exp);
exp! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with exp(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.exp!   -> Dvector[ exp(1.1), exp(-2.2), exp(5.3) ]
a        -> Dvector[ exp(1.1), exp(-2.2), exp(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_exp_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, exp);
exp10 → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by 10**x.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.exp10   -> Dvector[ 10**(1.1), 10**(-2.2), 10**(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_exp10(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_exp10);
exp10! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with 10**x.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.exp10!   -> Dvector[ 10**(1.1), 10**(-2.2), 10**(5.3) ]
a          -> Dvector[ 10**(1.1), 10**(-2.2), 10**(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_exp10_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_exp10);
extrema(*args) click to toggle source

Returns a list of local extrema of the vector, organized thus:

[ [:min, idmin1], [:max, idmax1], ...]

The values are pushed in the order in which they are found. It works thus: it scans the vector and looks around the current point in a given window. If the current point is the maximum or the minimum, it is considered as a local maximum/minimum. Control over which extrema are included is given to the used through threshold mechanisms.

The options hash controls how the peaks are detected:

_window_: the number of elements on which we look on
both sides (default 5, ie the local maximum is over 11 points)
_threshold_: the minimum amplitude the extrema must have to
be considered (default 0)
_dthreshold_: how much over/under the average an extremum must be
(default 0) 
_or_: whether the _threshold_ and _dthreshold_ tests are both
necessary or if only one is (default false: both tests are

 Note:* beware of NANs ! They *will* screw up peak detection, as

they are neither bigger nor smaller than anything…

static VALUE dvector_extrema(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
  long window = 5;
  double threshold = 0;
  double dthreshold = 0;
  int inclusive = 1;
  if(argc == 1) {
    VALUE t;
    t = rb_hash_aref(argv[0], rb_str_new2("window"));
    if(RTEST(t)) {
      window = FIX2LONG(t);
    t = rb_hash_aref(argv[0], rb_str_new2("threshold"));
    if(RTEST(t)) {
      threshold = rb_num2dbl(t);
    t = rb_hash_aref(argv[0], rb_str_new2("dthreshold"));
    if(RTEST(t)) {
      dthreshold = rb_num2dbl(t);
    t = rb_hash_aref(argv[0], rb_str_new2("or"));
    inclusive = ! RTEST(t);
  } else if(argc > 1)
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Dvector.extrema only takes 0 or 1 argument");

  /* Handling of the vector */
  long len, i,j;
  double * data = Dvector_Data_for_Read(self, &len);
  VALUE s_min = ID2SYM(rb_intern("min"));
  VALUE s_max = ID2SYM(rb_intern("max"));


  VALUE ret = rb_ary_new();
  for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {

    /* This is stupid and will need decent optimization when I have
       time */
    long first = i > window ? i - window : 0;
    double cur_min = data[first];
    long cur_min_idx = first;
    double cur_max = data[first];
    long cur_max_idx = first;
    double average = 0;
    long nb = 0;
    for(j = first; (j < i+window) && (j < len); j++,nb++) {
      average += data[j];
      if(data[j] <= cur_min) {
        cur_min = data[j];
        cur_min_idx = j;
      if(data[j] >= cur_max) {
        cur_max = data[j];
        cur_max_idx = j;
    average /= nb;

    if(cur_min_idx == i) {
      /* This is a potential minimum */
      if((inclusive && 
          (fabs(cur_min) >= threshold) && 
          (fabs(cur_min - average) >= dthreshold))
         || (!inclusive && 
             ((fabs(cur_min) >= threshold) ||
              (fabs(cur_min - average) >= dthreshold))
             )) {
        VALUE min = rb_ary_new();
        rb_ary_push(min, s_min);
        rb_ary_push(min, LONG2FIX(i));
        rb_ary_push(ret, min);
    else if(cur_max_idx == i) {
      /* A potential maximum */
      if((inclusive && 
          (fabs(cur_max) >= threshold) && 
          (fabs(cur_max - average) >= dthreshold))
         || (!inclusive && 
             ((fabs(cur_max) >= threshold) ||
              (fabs(cur_max - average) >= dthreshold))
             )) {
        VALUE max = rb_ary_new();
        rb_ary_push(max, s_max);
        rb_ary_push(max, LONG2FIX(i));
        rb_ary_push(ret, max);
  return ret;
fetch(int) → number click to toggle source
fetch(int, default ) → number
fetch(int) {|index| block } → number

Tries to return the element at index int. If the index lies outside the vector, the first form throws an IndexError exception, the second form returns default, and the third form returns the value of invoking the block, passing in the index. Negative values of the index count from the end of the vector.

a = Dvector[ 11, 22, 33, 44 ]
a.fetch(1)               -> 22
a.fetch(-1)              -> 44
a.fetch(4, 0)            -> 0
a.fetch(4) { |i| i*i }   -> 16
VALUE dvector_fetch(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) {
   VALUE pos, ifnone;
   long block_given;
   long idx;
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &pos, &ifnone);
   block_given = rb_block_given_p();
   if (block_given && argc == 2) {
      rb_warn("block supersedes default value argument");
   idx = NUM2LONG(pos);
   if (idx < 0) {
      idx += d->len;
   if (idx < 0 || d->len <= idx) {
      if (block_given) return rb_yield(pos);
      if (argc == 1) {
         rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "index %ld out of dvector", idx);
      return ifnone;
   return rb_float_new(d->ptr[idx]);
fft!() click to toggle source

Performs an in-place Fourier transform of the vector. The results is stored in the so-called “half-complex” format (see for more information).

static VALUE dvector_fft(VALUE self)
  long len;
  double * values = Dvector_Data_for_Write(self, &len);
  fftw_plan plan = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(len, values, values,
                                    FFTW_R2HC, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
  return self;
fft_conj!() click to toggle source

Converts the FFTed data in the complex conjugate

static VALUE dvector_fft_conj(VALUE self)
  long len;
  double * v1 = Dvector_Data_for_Write(self, &len);
  double * img;
  long i;
  for(i = 1, img = v1 + len-1; i < (len+1)/2;
      i++, img--)
    *img = -*img;
  return self;
fft_mul!(p1) click to toggle source

Multiplies the FFTed data held in the vector by another vector. The behaviour depends on the size of the target vector:

if it is the same size, it is assumed to be FFTed data
if it is the same size of a power spectrum, then it is assumed that it
is multiplication by real values
anything else won't make this function happy.

As a side note, if you only want multiplication by a scalar, the standard mul! should be what you look for.

static VALUE dvector_fft_mul(VALUE self, VALUE m)
  long len;
  double * v1 = Dvector_Data_for_Write(self, &len);
  long len2;
  const double * v2 = Dvector_Data_for_Write(m, &len2);
  if(len2 == len) {             /* Full complex multiplication */
    const double * m_img;
    const double * m_real;
    double * v_img;
    double * v_real;
    long i;
    /* First, special cases */
    v1[0] *= v2[0];
    if(len % 2 == 0)
      v1[len/2] *= v2[len/2];
    for(i = 1, m_real = v2 + 1, m_img = v2 + len-1,
          v_real = v1 + 1, v_img = v1 + len-1; i < (len+1)/2;
        i++, m_real++, v_real++, m_img--, v_img--) {
      double r = *m_real * *v_real - *m_img * *v_img;
      *v_img = *m_real * *v_img + *v_real * *m_img;
      *v_real = r;
    return self;
  else if(len2 == len/2+1) {            /* Complex * real*/
    const double * val;
    double * v_img;
    double * v_real;
    long i;
    /* First, special cases */
    v1[0] *= v2[0];
    if(len % 2 == 0)
      v1[len/2] *= v2[len/2];
    for(i = 1, val = v2 + 1,
          v_real = v1 + 1, v_img = v1 + len-1; i < (len+1)/2;
        i++, val++, v_real++, v_img--) {
      *v_real *= *val;
      *v_img *= *val;
    return self;
  else {
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "incorrect Dvector size for fft_mul!");
fft_spectrum() click to toggle source

Returns the power spectra of the ffted data (ie the square of the norm of the complex fourier coefficients.

The returned value is a new Dvector of size about two times smaller than the original (precisely size/2 + 1)

For some reasons, convolutions don't work for now.

static VALUE dvector_fft_spectrum(VALUE self)
  long len;
  const double * values = Dvector_Data_for_Read(self, &len);
  /* First compute the size of the target: */
  long target_size = len/2+1;
  long i;
  VALUE retval = dvector_new2(target_size,target_size);
  double * ret = Dvector_Data_for_Write(retval,NULL);

  /* Pointer to real and imaginary parts */
  const double * real;
  const double * img;
  ret[0] = values[0] * values[0];

  /* The Nyquist frequency */
  if(len % 2 == 0)
    ret[target_size - 1] = values[target_size-1] * values[target_size-1];
  for(i = 1, real = values + 1, img = values + len-1; i < len/2;
      i++, real++, img--)
    ret[i] = *real * *real + *img * *img;
  return retval;
fill(number) → dvector click to toggle source
fill(number, start <, length>) → dvector
fill(number, range ) → dvector
fill {|index| block } → dvector
fill(start <, length> ) {|index| block } → dvector
fill(range) {|index| block } → dvector

The first three forms set the selected elements of dvector (which may be the entire vector) to number. A start of nil is equivalent to zero. A length of nil is equivalent to dvector.length. The last three forms fill the vector with the value of the block. The block is passed the absolute index of each element to be filled.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
a.fill(-1)               -> Dvector[ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ]
a.fill(7, 2, 2)          -> Dvector[ -1, -1, 7, 7, -1 ]
a.fill(8, 0..1)          -> Dvector[ 8, 8, 7, 7, -1 ]
a.fill {|i| i*i}         -> Dvector[ 0, 1, 4, 9, 16 ]
a.fill(-2) {|i| i*i*i}   -> Dvector[ 0, 1, 4, 27, 64 ]
a                        -> Dvector[ 0, 1, 4, 27, 64 ]
VALUE dvector_fill(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d;
   VALUE item, arg1, arg2;
   long beg, end, len, i;
   double *p, *pend;
   int block_p = Qfalse;
   double v;
   d = dvector_modify(ary);
   if (rb_block_given_p()) {
      block_p = Qtrue;
      rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &arg1, &arg2);
      argc += 1;                /* hackish */
   } else {
      rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &item, &arg1, &arg2);
   switch (argc) {
      case 1:
         beg = 0;
         len = d->len;
      case 2:
         if (rb_range_beg_len(arg1, &beg, &len, d->len, 1)) {
      /* fall through */
      case 3:
         beg = NIL_P(arg1) ? 0 : NUM2LONG(arg1);
         if (beg < 0) {
            beg = d->len + beg;
            if (beg < 0) beg = 0;
         len = NIL_P(arg2) ? d->len - beg : NUM2LONG(arg2);
   end = beg + len;
   if (end > d->len) {
      if (end >= d->capa) {
         REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, end);
         d->capa = end;
      if (beg > d->len) {
         dvector_mem_clear(d->ptr + d->len, end - d->len);
      d->len = end;
   if (block_p) {
      for (i=beg; i<end; i++) {
         item = rb_Float(rb_yield(LONG2NUM(i)));
         d->ptr[i] = NUM2DBL(item);
   else {
      p = d->ptr + beg;
      pend = p + len;
      item = rb_Float(item);
      v = NUM2DBL(item);
      while (p < pend) {
         *p++ = v;
   return ary;
first → number or nil click to toggle source
first(count) → a_dvector

Returns the first element, or the first count elements, of dvector. If the vector is empty, the first form returns nil, and the second returns an empty vector.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
a.first   -> 1
a.first(1)   -> Dvector[ 1 ]
a.first(3)   -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ]
VALUE dvector_first(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) {
   VALUE nv, result;
   long n, i;
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   if (argc == 0) {
      if (d->len == 0) return Qnil;
      return rb_float_new(d->ptr[0]);
   rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &nv);
   n = NUM2LONG(nv);
   if (n > d->len) n = d->len;
   result = dvector_new2(n,n);
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      Dvector_Store_Double(result, i, d->ptr[i]);
   return result;
floor → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by largest integer not greater than x.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.floor   -> Dvector[ 1, -3, 5 ]
VALUE dvector_floor(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, floor);
floor! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with the largest integer not greater than x.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.floor!   -> Dvector[ 1, -3, 5 ]
a          -> Dvector[ 1, -3, 5 ]
VALUE dvector_floor_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, floor);
freeze → _dvector_ click to toggle source

Prevents further modifications. A TypeError will be raised if modification is attempted.

VALUE dvector_freeze(VALUE ary) {
   return rb_obj_freeze(ary);
frozen? → true or false click to toggle source

Return true if this vector is frozen (or temporarily frozen while being sorted).

VALUE dvector_frozen_p(VALUE ary) {
   if (OBJ_FROZEN(ary)) return Qtrue;
   if (FL_TEST(ary, DVEC_TMPLOCK)) return Qtrue;
   return Qfalse;
include?(number) → true or false click to toggle source

Returns true if number is present in dvector, false otherwise.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ]
a.include?(2)   -> true
a.include?(0)   -> false
VALUE dvector_includes(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   long i, len = d->len;
   double x, *p = d->ptr;
   item = rb_Float(item);
   x = NUM2DBL(item);
   for (i=0; i < len; i++) {
      if (*p++ == x) return Qtrue;
   return Qfalse;
index(number) → int or nil click to toggle source

Returns the index of the first object in dvector

== to number. Returns nil if no match is found.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2 ]
a.index(3)   -> 2
a.index(0)   -> nil
VALUE dvector_index(VALUE ary, VALUE val) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   double v;
   long i = d->len;
   val = rb_Float(val);
   v = NUM2DBL(val);
   for (i=0; i < d->len; i++) {
      if (d->ptr[i] == v)
         return LONG2NUM(i);
   return Qnil;
replace(other) → dvector click to toggle source

Replaces the contents of dvector with the contents of other, truncating or expanding if necessary.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
a.replace(Dvector[ -1, -2, -3 ])   -> Dvector[ -1, -2, -3 ]
a                               -> Dvector[ -1, -2, -3 ]
VALUE dvector_replace(VALUE dest, VALUE orig) {
   VALUE shared;
   Dvector *org, *d;
   dvector_modify(dest); // take care of any sharing issues.
   orig = dvector_to_dvector(orig); /* it might be some kind of Array rather than a Dvector */
   if (dest == orig) return dest;
   org = Get_Dvector(orig);
   d = Get_Dvector(dest);
   if (d->ptr) free(d->ptr); // we know it isn't shared because we did dvector_modify above
   shared = dvector_make_shared(orig);
   org = Get_Dvector(shared);
   d->ptr = org->ptr;
   d->len = org->len;
   d->shared = shared;
   return dest;
insert(int, number...) → dvector click to toggle source

If the index is not negative, insert the given values before

 the element with the index _int_.  If the index is -1, appends the
 values to _dvector_.  Otherwise inserts the values after the element
with the given index.

 a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ]
 a.insert(2, 99)         -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 99, 3 ]
 a.insert(-2, 1, 2, 3)   -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 99, 1, 2, 3, 3 ]
 a.insert(-1, 0)         -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 99, 1, 2, 3, 3, 0 ]
VALUE dvector_insert(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) {
   long pos;
   if (argc < 1) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (at least 1)");
   pos = NUM2LONG(argv[0]);
   if (pos == -1) {
      Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
      pos = d->len;
   else if (pos < 0) {
   if (argc == 1) return ary;
   dvector_splice(ary, pos, 0, dvector_new4(argc - 1, argv + 1));
   return ary;
Alias for: to_s
inv → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by 1/x.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.inv   -> Dvector[ 1 / 1.1, -1 / 2.2, 1 / 5.3 ]
VALUE dvector_inv(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_inv);
inv! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with 1/x.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.inv!   -> Dvector[ 1 / 1.1, -1 / 2.2, 1 / 5.3 ]
a        -> Dvector[ 1 / 1.1, -1 / 2.2, 1 / 5.3 ]
VALUE dvector_inv_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_inv);
join(sep=" ") → a_string click to toggle source

Returns a string created by converting each element of the vector to a string, separated by sep.

Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ].join        -> "1 2 3"
Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ].join("-")   -> "1-2-3"
VALUE dvector_join_m(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) {
   VALUE sep;
   rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &sep);
   if (NIL_P(sep)) sep = dvector_output_fs;
   return dvector_join(ary, sep);
last → number or nil click to toggle source
last(count) → a_dvector

Returns the last element, or the last count elements, of dvector. If the vector is empty, the first form returns nil, and the second returns an empty vector.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
a.last   -> 5
a.last(1)   -> Dvector[ 5 ]
a.last(3)   -> Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ]
VALUE dvector_last(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) {
   VALUE nv, result;
   long n, i, beg;
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   if (argc == 0) {
      if (d->len == 0) return Qnil;
      return rb_float_new(d->ptr[d->len-1]);
   rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &nv);
   n = NUM2LONG(nv);
   if (n > d->len) n = d->len;
   result = dvector_new2(n,n);
   beg = d->len - n;
   for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
      Dvector_Store_Double(result, i, d->ptr[beg+i]);
   return result;
length → int click to toggle source

Returns the number of elements in dvector.

Dvector[ 0, -1, 2, -3, 4 ].length   -> 5
Dvector[].length                    -> 0
VALUE dvector_length(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   return LONG2NUM(d->len);
Also aliased as: size, nitems
log → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by log(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.log   -> Dvector[ log(1.1), log(-2.2), log(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_log(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, log);
log! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with log(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.log!   -> Dvector[ log(1.1), log(-2.2), log(5.3) ]
a        -> Dvector[ log(1.1), log(-2.2), log(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_log_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, log);
log10 → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by log10(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.log10   -> Dvector[ log10(1.1), log10(-2.2), log10(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_log10(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, log10);
log10! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with log10(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.log10!   -> Dvector[ log10(1.1), log10(-2.2), log10(5.3) ]
a          -> Dvector[ log10(1.1), log10(-2.2), log10(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_log10_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, log10);
make_bezier_control_points_for_cubic_in_x(x0, y0, delta_x, a, b, c) click to toggle source

Replaces contents of dvector by control points for Bezier curve. The cubic, y(x), is defined from x0 to x0+delta_x. At location x = x0 + dx, with dx between 0 and delta_x, define y = a*dx^3 + b*dx^2 + c*dx + y0. This routine replaces the contents of dest by [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3], the Bezier control points to match this cubic.

VALUE dvector_make_bezier_control_points_for_cubic_in_x(VALUE dest, VALUE x0, VALUE y0, VALUE delta_x, VALUE a, VALUE b, VALUE c)
   x0 = rb_Float(x0);
   y0 = rb_Float(y0);
   delta_x = rb_Float(delta_x);
   a = rb_Float(a);
   b = rb_Float(b);
   c = rb_Float(c);
   return c_make_bezier_control_points_for_cubic_in_x(dest,
      NUM2DBL(x0), NUM2DBL(y0), NUM2DBL(delta_x), NUM2DBL(a), NUM2DBL(b), NUM2DBL(c));
Alias for: collect
Alias for: collect!
Alias for: collect2
Alias for: collect2!
max → number or nil click to toggle source
max(dvector2, ...) → number or nil

First form returns the entry with the maximum value in dvector, nil if dvector is empty. Second form returns maximum of all the vectors (or nil if all are empty).

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 2 ]
a.max               -> 5
Dvector[].max          -> nil
b = Dvector[ 8, 3, 0, 7 ]
a.max(b)            -> 8
VALUE dvector_max(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
   VALUE ary, index;
   int i, got_one = false;
   double mx=0, tmp;
   Dvector *d;
   for (i = 0; i <= argc; i++) {
      ary = (i < argc)? argv[i] : self;
      index = dvector_where_max(ary);
      if (index == Qnil) continue;
      d = Get_Dvector(ary);
      tmp = d->ptr[NUM2INT(index)];
      if (!got_one || tmp > mx) { mx = tmp; got_one = true; }
   if (!got_one) return Qnil;
   return rb_float_new(mx);
max_lt(val) → float or nil click to toggle source

Returns the maximum entry in dvector which is less than val, or nil if no such entry if found.

VALUE dvector_max_lt(VALUE ary, VALUE val) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   val = rb_Float(val);
   double zmax = 0, z = NUM2DBL(val), x;
   double *data = d->ptr;
   int len = d->len, i, imax;
   imax = -1;
   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
       x = data[i];
       if (x < z && (imax < 0 || x > zmax)) { imax = i; zmax = x; }
   if (imax >= 0)
      return rb_float_new(zmax);
   return Qnil;
min → number or nil click to toggle source
min(dvector2, ...) → number or nil

First form returns the entry with the minimum value in dvector, nil if dvector is empty. Second form returns minimum of all the vectors (or nil if all are empty).

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 2 ]
a.min               -> 1
Dvector[].min          -> nil
b = Dvector[ 8, 3, 0, 7 ]
a.min(b)            -> 0
VALUE dvector_min(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
   VALUE ary, index;
   int i, got_one = false;
   double mn=0, tmp;
   Dvector *d;
   for (i = 0; i <= argc; i++) {
      ary = (i < argc)? argv[i] : self;
      index = dvector_where_min(ary);
      if (index == Qnil) continue;
      d = Get_Dvector(ary);
      tmp = d->ptr[NUM2INT(index)];
      if (!got_one || tmp < mn) { mn = tmp; got_one = true; }
   if (!got_one) return Qnil;
   return rb_float_new(mn);
min_gt(val) → float or nil click to toggle source

Returns the minimum entry in dvector which is greater than val, or nil if no such entry if found.

VALUE dvector_min_gt(VALUE ary, VALUE val) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   val = rb_Float(val);
   double zmin = 0, z = NUM2DBL(val), x; /* it doesn't matter
                                            what is zmin's initial value 
   double *data = d->ptr;
   int len = d->len, i, imin;
   imin = -1;
   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
       x = data[i];
       if (x > z && (imin < 0 || x < zmin)) { imin = i; zmin = x; }
   if (imin >= 0)
      return rb_float_new(zmin);
   return Qnil;
Alias for: sub
Alias for: sub!
Alias for: modulo
Alias for: modulo!
modulo(number) → a_dvector click to toggle source
mod(number) → a_dvector
modulo(other) → a_dvector
mod(other) → a_dvector
dvector % number → a_dvector
dvector % other → a_dvector

When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x % number. When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x % the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 12.7 ]
a.mod(3.8)              -> Dvector[ 1.1, 1.9, 1.3 ]
a % 3.8                 -> Dvector[ 1.1, 1.9, 1.3 ]
b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10.1 ]
a.mod(b)                -> Dvector[ 1.1, 4.1, -7.5 ]
a % b                   -> Dvector[ 1.1, 4.1, -7.5 ]
VALUE dvector_mod(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_mod);
Also aliased as: mod, %
modulo!(number) → dvector click to toggle source
mod!(number) → dvector
modulo!(other) → dvector
mod!(other) → dvector

When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x % number. When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x % the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 12.7 ]
a.mod!(3.8)              -> Dvector[ 1.1, 1.9, 1.3 ]
a                        -> Dvector[ 1.1, 1.9, 1.3 ]
b = Dvector[ 7.1, 4.9, -10.1 ]
a.mod!(b)                -> Dvector[ 1.1, 4.1, -7.5 ]
a                        -> Dvector[ 1.1, 4.1, -7.5 ]
VALUE dvector_modulo_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_mod);
Also aliased as: mod!
mul(number) → a_dvector click to toggle source
mul(other) → a_dvector
dvector - number → a_dvector
number - dvector → a_dvector
dvector - other → a_dvector

When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x * number. When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x * the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ]
a.mul(3)               -> Dvector[ 33, -15, 6 ]
a * 3                  -> Dvector[ 33, -15, 6 ]
3 * a                  -> Dvector[ 33, -15, 6 ]
b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -10 ]
a.mul(b)               -> Dvector[ 77, -20, -20 ]
a * b                  -> Dvector[ 77, -20, -20 ]
VALUE dvector_mul(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_mul);
Also aliased as: *, times
mul!(number) → dvector click to toggle source
mul!(other) → dvector

When argument is a number, each entry x in dvector is replaced by x * number. When argument is a vector, each entry x in dvector is replaced by x * the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ]
a.mul!(3)               -> Dvector[ 33, -15, 6 ]
a                       -> Dvector[ 33, -15, 6 ]
a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ]
b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -10 ]
a.mul!(b)               -> Dvector[ 77, -20, -20 ]
a                       -> Dvector[ 77, -20, -20 ]
VALUE dvector_mul_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_mul);
Also aliased as: times!
neg → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by -x.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
a.neg   -> Dvector[ -1, -2, -3, -4 ]
VALUE dvector_neg(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_neg);
Also aliased as: -@
neg! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with -x.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.neg!   -> Dvector[ -1.1, 2.2, -5.3 ]
a        -> Dvector[ -1.1, 2.2, -5.3 ]
VALUE dvector_neg_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_neg);
Alias for: length
Alias for: add
Alias for: add!
pop → number or nil click to toggle source

Removes the last element from dvector and returns it, or nil if the vector is empty.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ]
a.pop   -> 3
a       -> Dvector[ 1, 2 ]
VALUE dvector_pop(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary);
   if (d->len == 0) return Qnil;
   if (d->shared == Qnil && d->len * 2 < d->capa && d->capa > DVEC_DEFAULT_SIZE) {
      d->capa = d->len * 2;
      REALLOC_N(d->ptr, double, d->capa);
   return rb_float_new(d->ptr[--d->len]);
pow(number) → a_dvector click to toggle source
pow(other) → a_dvector
raised_to(number) → a_dvector
raised_to(other) → a_dvector
dvector ** number → a_dvector
dvector ** other → a_dvector

When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x ** number. When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x ** the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 12.7 ]
a.raised_to(3)              -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 3, (-5.7) ** 3, 12.7 ** 3 ]
a ** 3                      -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 3, (-5.7) ** 3, 12.7 ** 3 ]
b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -2 ]
a.raised_to(b)                -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 7, (-5.7) ** 4, 12.7 ** (-2) ]
a ** b                        -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 7, (-5.7) ** 4, 12.7 ** (-2) ]
VALUE dvector_pow(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, pow);
Also aliased as: raised_to, **
pow!(number) → dvector click to toggle source
pow!(other) → dvector
raised_to!(number) → dvector
raised_to!(other) → dvector

When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x ** number. When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x ** the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -5.7, 12.7 ]
a.raised_to!(3)                -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 3, (-5.7) ** 3, 12.7 ** 3 ]
a                              -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 3, (-5.7) ** 3, 12.7 ** 3 ]
b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -2 ]
a.raised_to!(b)                -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 7, (-5.7) ** 4, 12.7 ** (-2) ]
a                              -> Dvector[ 1.1 ** 7, (-5.7) ** 4, 12.7 ** (-2) ]
VALUE dvector_pow_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op1_bang(ary, arg, pow);
Also aliased as: raised_to!
prune(lst) → dvector click to toggle source

Creates a new dvector without the entries given by the indexes in lst.

a = {|i| i*3 }    -> [0, 3, 6, 9, 12]
a.prune([0, 2])                  -> [3, 9, 12]
a                                -> [0, 3, 6, 9, 12]
VALUE dvector_prune(VALUE ary, VALUE lst) {
   ary = dvector_dup(ary);
   dvector_prune_bang(ary, lst);
   return ary;
prune!(lst) → dvector click to toggle source

Modifies the dvector by removing the entries given by the indexes in lst.

a = {|i| i*3 }    -> [0, 3, 6, 9, 12]
a.prune!([0, 2])                 -> [3, 9, 12]
a                                -> [3, 9, 12]
VALUE dvector_prune_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE lst) {
   Dvector *d;
   d = dvector_modify(ary);
   int i, lst_len, ary_len, pos, j;
   VALUE *lst_ptr;
   lst = rb_Array(lst);
   lst_ptr = RARRAY_PTR(lst);
   lst_len = RARRAY_LEN(lst);
   for (i = lst_len-1; i >= 0; i--) {
      ary_len = d->len;
      pos = NUM2INT(lst_ptr[i]);  // remove this one from ary
      for (j = pos+1; j < ary_len; j++, pos++) {
         d->ptr[pos] = d->ptr[j];
      d->len = pos;
   return ary;
push(number, ... ) → dvector click to toggle source

Append—Pushes the given number(s) on to the end of this vector.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ]
a.push(4, 5, 6)  -> Dvector[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
VALUE dvector_push_m(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) {
   while (argc--) {
      dvector_push(ary, *argv++);
   return ary;
Alias for: pow
Alias for: pow!
reject {|x| block } → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns a new vector containing the items in dvector, except those for which the block is true.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
a.reject {|x| x.modulo(2) == 0 }   -> Dvector[1, 3]
VALUE dvector_reject(VALUE ary) {
   ary = dvector_dup(ary);
   return ary;
reject! {|x| block } → dvector or nil click to toggle source

Equivalent to Dvector#delete_if, deleting elements from dvector for which the block evaluates to true, but returns nil if no changes were made. Also see Enumerable#reject.

VALUE dvector_reject_bang(VALUE ary) {
   long i1, i2;
   Dvector *d;
   d = dvector_modify(ary);
   for (i1 = i2 = 0; i1 < d->len; i1++) {
      double val = d->ptr[i1];
      VALUE v = rb_float_new(val);
      if (RTEST(rb_yield(v))) continue;
      if (i1 != i2) {
         d->ptr[i2] = val;
   if (d->len == i2) return Qnil;
   if (i2 < d->len)
      d->len = i2;
   return ary;
remainder(number) → a_dvector click to toggle source
remainder(other) → a_dvector

When the argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by the remainder of x divided by number. When the argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by the remainder of x divided by the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ]
a.remainder(3)  -> Dvector[ 2, -2, 2 ]
b = Dvector[ 2, 3, 5 ]
a.remainder(b)                -> Dvector[ 1, -2, 2 ]
VALUE dvector_remainder(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_remainder);
remainder!(number) → dvector click to toggle source
remainder!(other) → dvector

When the argument is a number, this operation replaces with each entry x of dvector by the remainder of x divided by number. When the argument is a vector, this operation replaces with each entry x of dvector by remainder of x divided by the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ]
a.remainder!(3)                -> Dvector[ 2, -2, 2 ]
a                              -> Dvector[ 2, -2, 2 ]
a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ]
b = Dvector[ 2, 3, 5 ]
a.remainder!(b)                -> Dvector[ 1, -2, 2 ]
a                              -> Dvector[ 1, -2, 2 ]
VALUE dvector_remainder_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_remainder);
replace(other) → dvector click to toggle source

Replaces the contents of dvector with the contents of other, truncating or expanding if necessary.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
a.replace(Dvector[ -1, -2, -3 ])   -> Dvector[ -1, -2, -3 ]
a                               -> Dvector[ -1, -2, -3 ]
VALUE dvector_replace(VALUE dest, VALUE orig) {
   VALUE shared;
   Dvector *org, *d;
   dvector_modify(dest); // take care of any sharing issues.
   orig = dvector_to_dvector(orig); /* it might be some kind of Array rather than a Dvector */
   if (dest == orig) return dest;
   org = Get_Dvector(orig);
   d = Get_Dvector(dest);
   if (d->ptr) free(d->ptr); // we know it isn't shared because we did dvector_modify above
   shared = dvector_make_shared(orig);
   org = Get_Dvector(shared);
   d->ptr = org->ptr;
   d->len = org->len;
   d->shared = shared;
   return dest;
resize(new_size) → dvector click to toggle source

Modifies dvector to have the requested size by truncating or expanding with trailing zeros.

a = Dvector[1, 5, -3] a.resize(5) -> Dvector[ 1, 5, -3, 0, 0 ]

a -> Dvector[ 1, 5, -3, 0, 0 ]

a.resize(2) -> Dvector[ 1, 5 ]

a -> Dvector[ 1, 5 ]

VALUE dvector_resize(VALUE ary, VALUE len) {
   len = rb_Integer(len);
   long new_size = NUM2INT(len);
   return c_Resize(ary, new_size);
reverse → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns a new vector containing dvector's elements in reverse order.

Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ].reverse         -> Dvector[ 3, 2, 1 ]
Dvector[ 1 ].reverse               -> Dvector[ 1 ]
VALUE dvector_reverse_m(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_reverse(dvector_dup(ary));
reverse! → dvector click to toggle source

Reverses dvector in place.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ]
a.reverse!       -> Dvector[ 3, 2, 1 ]
a                -> Dvector[ 3, 2, 1 ]
VALUE dvector_reverse_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_reverse(ary);
reverse_each {|x| block } click to toggle source

Same as Dvector#each, but traverses dvector in reverse order.

a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ]
a.each {|x| print x, " " }


-1 0 1
VALUE dvector_reverse_each(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   long len = d->len;
   while (len--) {
      if (d->len < len) {
         len = d->len;
   return ary;
reverse_each2(other) {|x,y| block } click to toggle source

Same as Dvector#each2, but traverses vectors in reverse order. The vectors must have the same size.

a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ]
b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ]
a.reverse_each2(b) {|x,y| print "(", x ",", y, ") " }


(-1,5) (0,4) (1,3)
VALUE dvector_reverse_each2(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2);
   long len = d->len;
   if (len != d2->len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%ld vs %ld) for reverse_each2", len, d2->len);
   while (len--) {
      rb_yield_values(2, rb_float_new(d->ptr[len]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[len]));
      if (d->len < len) {
         len = d->len;
   return ary;
reverse_each2_with_index {|x,y,index| block } → dvector click to toggle source

Same as Dvector#each2_with_index, but traverses the vectors in reverse order.

a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ]
b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ]
a.reverse_each2_with_index(b) {|x,y,i| print "(", x ",", y, "," i, ") " }


(-1,5,2) (0,4,1) (1,3,0)
VALUE dvector_reverse_each2_with_index(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2);
   long len = d->len;
   if (len != d2->len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%ld vs %ld) for reverse_each2_with_index", 
         len, d2->len);
   while (len--) {
      rb_yield_values(3, rb_float_new(d->ptr[len]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[len]), LONG2NUM(len));
      if (d->len < len) {
         len = d->len;
   return ary;
reverse_each3(other1, other2) {|x,y,z| block } click to toggle source

Same as Dvector#each3, but traverses vectors in reverse order. The vectors must have the same size.

a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ]
b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ]
c = Dvector[ 6, 9, 2 ]
a.reverse_each3(b, c) {|x,y,z| print "(", x ",", y, ", ", z, ") " }


(-1,5,2) (0,4,9) (1,3,6)
VALUE dvector_reverse_each3(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2, VALUE ary3) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2);
   Dvector *d3 = Get_Dvector(ary3);
   long len = d->len;
   if (len != d2->len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%ld vs %ld) for reverse_each3", len, d2->len);
   if (len != d3->len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%ld vs %ld) for reverse_each3", len, d3->len);
   while (len--) {
      rb_yield_values(3, rb_float_new(d->ptr[len]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[len]), rb_float_new(d3->ptr[len]));
      if (d->len < len) {
         len = d->len;
   return ary;
reverse_each3_with_index {|x,y,z,index| block } → dvector click to toggle source

Same as Dvector#each3_with_index, but traverses the vectors in reverse order.

a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ]
b = Dvector[ 3, 4, 5 ]
c = Dvector[ 6, 9, 2 ]
a.reverse_each3_with_index(b,c) {|x,y,i| print "(", x ",", y, "," i, ") " }
a.each3(b, c) {|x,y,z,i| print "(", x ",", y, ", ", z, ",", i, ") " }


(-1,5,2,2) (0,4,9,1) (1,3,6,0)
VALUE dvector_reverse_each3_with_index(VALUE ary, VALUE ary2, VALUE ary3) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(ary2);
   Dvector *d3 = Get_Dvector(ary3);
   long len = d->len;
   if (len != d2->len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%ld vs %ld) for reverse_each3_with_index", 
         len, d3->len);
   if (len != d3->len) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths (%ld vs %ld) for reverse_each3_with_index", 
         len, d3->len);
   while (len--) {
      rb_yield_values(4, rb_float_new(d->ptr[len]), rb_float_new(d2->ptr[len]), rb_float_new(d3->ptr[len]), LONG2NUM(len));
      if (d->len < len) {
         len = d->len;
   return ary;
reverse_each_index {|index| block } → array click to toggle source

Same as Dvector#reverse_each, but passes the index of the element instead of the element itself.

a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ]
a.reverse_each_index {|i| print i, " -- " }


2 -- 1 -- 0 --
VALUE dvector_reverse_each_index(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   long len = d->len;
   while (len--) {
      if (d->len < len) {
         len = d->len;
   return ary;
reverse_each_with_index {|x,index| block } → array click to toggle source

Same as Dvector#each_with_index, but traverses dvector in reverse order.

a = Dvector[ 1, 0, -1 ]
a.reverse_each_with_index {|x,i| print "(", x, ",", i, ") " }


(-1,2) (0,1) (1,0)
VALUE dvector_reverse_each_with_index(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   long len = d->len;
   while (len--) {
      rb_yield_values(2, rb_float_new(d->ptr[len]), LONG2NUM(len));
      if (d->len < len) {
         len = d->len;
   return ary;
rfft!() click to toggle source

Performs a reverse in-place Fourier transform of the vector. The original data must have been stored in the so called “half-complex” format (see fft!).

static VALUE dvector_rfft(VALUE self)
  long len;
  double * values = Dvector_Data_for_Write(self, &len);
  fftw_plan plan = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(len, values, values,
                                    FFTW_HC2R, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
  return self;
rindex(number) → int or nil click to toggle source

Returns the index of the last object in dvector == to number. Returns nil if no match is found.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2 ]
a.rindex(3)   -> 6
a.rindex(0)   -> nil
VALUE dvector_rindex(VALUE ary, VALUE val) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   double v;
   long i = d->len;
   val = rb_Float(val);
   v = NUM2DBL(val);
   while (i--) {
      if (i > d->len) {
         i = d->len;
      if (d->ptr[i] == v)
         return LONG2NUM(i);
   return Qnil;
round → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by round(x). (Numbers midway between integers round away from zero.)

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.round   -> Dvector[ 1, -2, 5 ]
VALUE dvector_round(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_round);
round! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with the integer closest to x. (Numbers midway between integers round away from zero.)

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.round!   -> Dvector[ 1, -2, 5 ]
a          -> Dvector[ 1, -2, 5 ]
VALUE dvector_round_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_round);
safe_acos → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by acos(max(-1,min(1,x))).

VALUE dvector_safe_acos(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_safe_acos);
safe_acos! → dvector click to toggle source

Replaces each entry x in dvector by acos(max(-1,min(1,x))).

VALUE dvector_safe_acos_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_safe_acos);
safe_asin → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by asin(max(-1,min(1,x))).

VALUE dvector_safe_asin(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_safe_asin);
safe_asin! → dvector click to toggle source

Replaces each entry x in dvector by asin(max(-1,min(1,x))).

VALUE dvector_safe_asin_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_safe_asin);
safe_inv(cutoff) → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by sign(x)/cutoff if abs(x) < cutoff, 1/x otherwise.

VALUE dvector_safe_inv(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op1(ary, arg, do_safe_inv);
safe_inv!(cutoff=1e-99) → dvector click to toggle source

Replaces each entry x in dvector by sign(x)/cutoff if abs(x) < cutoff, 1/x otherwise.

VALUE dvector_safe_inv_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
   VALUE arg1;
   if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1))
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc);
   arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99);
   return dvector_apply_math_op1_bang(self, arg1, do_safe_inv);
safe_log(cutoff=1e-99) → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by log(max(x,cutoff)).

VALUE dvector_safe_log(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
   VALUE arg1;
   if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1))
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc);
   arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99);
   return dvector_apply_math_op1(self, arg1, do_safe_log);
safe_log!(cutoff=1e-99) → dvector click to toggle source

Replaces each entry x in dvector by log(max(x,cutoff)).

VALUE dvector_safe_log_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
   VALUE arg1;
   if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1))
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc);
   arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99);
   return dvector_apply_math_op1_bang(self, arg1, do_safe_log);
safe_log10(cutoff=1e-99) → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by log10(max(x,cutoff)).

VALUE dvector_safe_log10(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
   VALUE arg1;
   if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1))
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc);
   arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99);
   return dvector_apply_math_op1(self, arg1, do_safe_log10);
safe_log10!(cutoff=1e-99) → dvector click to toggle source

Replaces each entry x in dvector by log10(max(x,cutoff)).

VALUE dvector_safe_log10_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
   VALUE arg1;
   if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1))
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc);
   arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-99);
   return dvector_apply_math_op1_bang(self, arg1, do_safe_log10);
safe_sqrt → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by sqrt(max(x,0)).

VALUE dvector_safe_sqrt(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, do_safe_sqrt);
safe_sqrt! → dvector click to toggle source

Replaces each entry x in dvector by sqrt(max(x,0)).

VALUE dvector_safe_sqrt_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, do_safe_sqrt);
select {|x| block } → dvector click to toggle source

Invokes the block passing in successive elements from dvector, returning a vector containing those elements for which the block returns a true value (equivalent to Enumerable#select).

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] {|x| x.modulo(2) == 0 }   -> Dvector[2, 4, 6]
VALUE dvector_select(VALUE ary) {
   VALUE result, el;
   long i;
   Dvector *d;
   d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   result = dvector_new2(0,d->len);
   for (i = 0; i < d->len; i++) {
      el = rb_float_new(d->ptr[i]);
      if (RTEST(rb_yield(el))) {
         dvector_push(result, el);
   return result;
set(float) → dvector click to toggle source
set(a_dvector) → dvector

Modifies the entries of dvector array. If the argument is a float, then all of the entries are set to that value. If the argument is another Dvector, then it must be the same length as dvector, and its contents are copied to dvector.

VALUE dvector_set(VALUE ary, VALUE val) {
   Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary);
   int len = d->len, i;
   double *data = d->ptr;
   if (is_a_dvector(val)) {
      Dvector *d2 = Get_Dvector(val);
      double *data2 = d2->ptr;
      if (d2->len != len)
         rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Vectors must be same length for Dvector set");
      for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
         data[i] = data2[i];
   } else {
      double v = NUM2DBL(val);
      for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
         data[i] = v;
   return ary;
shift → number or nil click to toggle source

Returns the first element of dvector and removes it (shifting all other elements down by one). Returns nil if the vector is empty.

args = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ]
args.shift   -> 1
args         -> Dvector[ 2, 3 ]
VALUE dvector_shift(VALUE ary) {
   double top;
   Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary);
   if (d->len == 0) return Qnil;
   top = d->ptr[0];
   d->ptr++;            /* shift ptr */
   return rb_float_new(top);
sin → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with entry x replaced by sin(x).

a = Dvector[ 1, -2, -3, 4 ]
a.sin   -> Dvector[ sin(1), sin(-2), sin(-3), sin(4) ]
VALUE dvector_sin(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, sin);
sin! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with sin(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.sin!   -> Dvector[ sin(1.1), sin(-2.2), sin(5.3) ]
a        -> Dvector[ sin(1.1), sin(-2.2), sin(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_sin_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, sin);
sinh → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with entry x replaced by sinh(x).

a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, 0.3 ]
a.sinh   -> Dvector[ sinh(0.1), sinh(-0.2), sinh(0.3) ]
VALUE dvector_sinh(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, sinh);
sinh! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with sinh(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.sinh!   -> Dvector[ sinh(1.1), sinh(-2.2), sinh(5.3) ]
a         -> Dvector[ sinh(1.1), sinh(-2.2), sinh(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_sinh_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, sinh);
Alias for: length
slice(p1, p2 = v2)
Alias for: []
slice!(int) → number or nil click to toggle source
slice!(start, length) → sub_vector or nil
slice!(range) → sub_vector or nil

Deletes the element(s) given by an index (optionally with a length) or by a range. Returns the deleted object, subvector, or nil if the index is out of range.

a = {|i| i*3 }
a.slice!(1)               -> 3
a                         -> Dvector[0, 6, 9, 12]
a.slice!(-1)              -> 12
a                         -> Dvector[0, 6, 9]
a.slice!(100)             -> nil
a                         -> Dvector[0, 6, 9]
a.slice!(1..2)            -> Dvector[6, 9]
a                         -> Dvector[0]
a.slice!(1..2)            -> Dvector[]
a                         -> Dvector[0]
a.slice!(0..2)            -> Dvector[0]
a                         -> Dvector[]
VALUE dvector_slice_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) {
   VALUE arg1, arg2;
   long pos, len;
   Dvector *d;
   d = dvector_modify(ary);
   if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &arg1, &arg2) == 2) {
      pos = NUM2LONG(arg1);
      len = NUM2LONG(arg2);
      if (pos < 0) {
         pos = d->len + pos;
      arg2 = dvector_subseq(ary, pos, len);
      dvector_splice(ary, pos, len, Qnil);
      return arg2;
   if (!FIXNUM_P(arg1) && rb_range_beg_len(arg1, &pos, &len, d->len, 1)) {
      goto delete_pos_len;
   return dvector_delete_at(ary, NUM2LONG(arg1));
sort → a_dvector click to toggle source
sort {| a,b | block } → a_dvector

Returns a new vector created by sorting dvector. Comparisons for the sort will be done using the <=> operator or using an optional code block. The block implements a comparison between a and b, returning -1, 0, or +1.

a = Dvector[ 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 ]
a.sort                    -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
a                         -> Dvector[ 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 ]
a.sort {|x,y| y <=> x }   -> Dvector[ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]
VALUE dvector_sort(VALUE ary) {
    ary = dvector_dup(ary);
    return ary;
sort! → dvector click to toggle source
sort! {| a,b | block } → dvector

Sorts dvector in place. dvev is effectively frozen while a sort is in progress. Comparisons for the sort will be done using the <=> operator or using an optional code block. The block implements a comparison between a and b, returning -1, 0, or +1.

a = Dvector[ 4, 1, 2, 5, 3 ]
a.sort!                    -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
a                          -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
a.sort! {|x,y| y <=> x }   -> Dvector[ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]
a                          -> Dvector[ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]
VALUE dvector_sort_bang(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary); /* force "unshared" before start the sort */
   if (d->len > 1) {
      FL_SET(ary, DVEC_TMPLOCK);        /* prohibit modification during sort */
      rb_ensure(dvector_sort_internal, ary, dvector_sort_unlock, ary);
   return ary;
sqrt → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by sqrt(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, 2.2, 5.3 ]
a.sqrt   -> Dvector[ sqrt(1.1), sqrt(2.2), sqrt(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_sqrt(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, sqrt);
sqrt! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with sqrt(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, 2.2, 5.3 ]
a.sqrt!   -> Dvector[ sqrt(1.1), sqrt(2.2), sqrt(5.3) ]
a         -> Dvector[ sqrt(1.1), sqrt(2.2), sqrt(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_sqrt_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, sqrt);
sub(number) → a_dvector click to toggle source
sub(other) → a_dvector
dvector - number → a_dvector
number - dvector → a_dvector
dvector - other → a_dvector

When argument is a number, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x - number. When argument is a vector, this operation returns a copy of dvector with each entry x replaced by x - the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ]
a.sub(3)               -> Dvector[ 8, -8, -1 ]
a - 3                  -> Dvector[ 8, -8, -1 ]
3 - a                  -> Dvector[ -8, 8, 1 ]
b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -10 ]
a.sub(b)               -> Dvector[ 4, -9, 12 ]
a - b                  -> Dvector[ 4, -9, 12 ]
VALUE dvector_sub(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2(ary, arg, do_sub);
Also aliased as: -, minus
sub!(number) → dvector click to toggle source
sub!(other) → dvector

When argument is a number, each entry x in dvector is replaced by x - number. When argument is a vector, each entry x in dvector is replaced by x - the corresponding entry in the other vector.

a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ]
a.sub!(3)               -> Dvector[ 8, -8, -1 ]
a                       -> Dvector[ 8, -8, -1 ]
b = Dvector[ 7, 4, -10 ]
a = Dvector[ 11, -5, 2 ]
a.sub!(b)               -> Dvector[ 4, -9, 12 ]
a                       -> Dvector[ 4, -9, 12 ]
VALUE dvector_sub_bang(VALUE ary, VALUE arg) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op2_bang(ary, arg, do_sub);
Also aliased as: minus!
sum → number click to toggle source

Returns the sum of the entries in dvector. Returns 0.0 if dvector is empty.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
a.sum        -> 10
Dvector[].sum   -> 0
VALUE dvector_sum(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   double *p = d->ptr, sum = 0.0;
   long len = d->len, i;
   for (i=0; i<len; i++) sum += p[i];
   return rb_float_new(sum);
tan → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with entry x replaced by tan(x).

a = Dvector[ 1, -2, -3, 4 ]
a.tan   -> Dvector[ tan(1), tan(-2), tan(-3), tan(4) ]
VALUE dvector_tan(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, tan);
tan! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with tan(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.tan!   -> Dvector[ tan(1.1), tan(-2.2), tan(5.3) ]
a        -> Dvector[ tan(1.1), tan(-2.2), tan(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_tan_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, tan);
tanh → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns of copy of dvector with entry x replaced by tanh(x).

a = Dvector[ 0.1, -0.2, 0.3 ]
a.tanh   -> Dvector[ tanh(0.1), tanh(-0.2), tanh(0.3) ]
VALUE dvector_tanh(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op(ary, tanh);
tanh! → dvector click to toggle source

Replace each entry x of dvector with tanh(x).

a = Dvector[ 1.1, -2.2, 5.3 ]
a.tanh!   -> Dvector[ tanh(1.1), tanh(-2.2), tanh(5.3) ]
a         -> Dvector[ tanh(1.1), tanh(-2.2), tanh(5.3) ]
VALUE dvector_tanh_bang(VALUE ary) {
   return dvector_apply_math_op_bang(ary, tanh);
Alias for: mul
Alias for: mul!
to_a → an_array click to toggle source

Returns an Array with the same contents as dvector.

VALUE dvector_to_a(VALUE dvector) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(dvector);
   long len = d->len, i;
   double *ptr = d->ptr;
   VALUE ary = rb_ary_new2(len);
   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      rb_ary_store(ary, i, rb_float_new(*ptr++));
   return ary;
Also aliased as: to_ary
Alias for: to_a
to_dvector() click to toggle source
# File lib/Dobjects/Dvector_extras.rb, line 74
def to_dvector
to_na() click to toggle source

Create an NArray with the same length and contents as self.

# File lib/Dobjects/Dvector_extras.rb, line 69
def to_na
  ::NArray.to_na(_dump(nil)[5..-1], ::NArray::DFLOAT)
to_s → a_string click to toggle source

Returns dvector.join.

Dvector[ 1, 2, 3 ].to_s        -> "1 2 3"
VALUE dvector_to_s(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   if (d->len == 0) return rb_str_new(0, 0);
   return dvector_join(ary, dvector_output_fs);
Also aliased as: inspect
tridag(a,b,c,r) → dvector click to toggle source

Sets contents of dvector to solution vector u of the following tri-diagonal matrix problem.

|  b[0]  c[0]    0    ...                         |   |  u[0]  |   |  r[0]  |
|  a[1]  b[1]  c[1]   ...                         |   |  u[1]  |   |  r[1]  |
|                     ...                         | * |  ...   | = |  ...   |
|                     ... a[n-2]  b[n-2]  c[n-2]  |   | u[n-2] |   | r[n-2] |
|                     ...   0     a[n-1]  b[n-1]  |   | u[n-1] |   | r[n-1] |

This corresponds to solving difference equations of the form

a[j] * u[j-1] + b[j] * u[j] + c[j] * u[j+1] = r[j], for 0 < j < n,

with boundary conditions

u[0]   = (r[0] - c[0] * u[1]) / b[0], and
u[n-1] = (r[n-1] - a[n-1] * u[n-2]) / b[n-1].

See Numerical Recipes for more details.

VALUE dvector_tridag(VALUE uVec, VALUE aVec, VALUE bVec, VALUE cVec, VALUE rVec) {
    double *u, *a, *b, *c, *r, *gam, bet;
    long j, n, u_len, a_len, b_len, c_len, r_len;
    u = Dvector_Data_for_Read(uVec, &u_len);
    a = Dvector_Data_for_Read(aVec, &a_len);
    b = Dvector_Data_for_Read(bVec, &b_len);
    c = Dvector_Data_for_Read(cVec, &c_len);
    r = Dvector_Data_for_Read(rVec, &r_len);
    if (a_len != b_len || b_len != c_len || c_len != r_len) {
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "vectors with different lengths for tridag");
    n = a_len;
    if (u_len != a_len) u = Dvector_Data_Resize(uVec, a_len);
    gam = (double *)ALLOC_N(double, n);
    if (b[0] == 0.0) {
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "b[0] is zero in tridag");
    u[0] = r[0] / (bet = b[0]);
    for (j = 1; j < n; j++) {  // decomposition and forward substitution
        gam[j] = c[j-1] / bet;
        bet = b[j] - a[j]*gam[j];
        if (bet == 0.0) {
            rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "zero divisor in tridag (j=%ld)", j);
        u[j] = (r[j] - a[j]*u[j-1]) / bet;
    for (j = n-2; j >= 0; j--) { // backsubstitution
        u[j] -= gam[j+1]*u[j+1];
    return uVec;
trim(cutoff=1e-6) → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns a copy of dvector with any entry with absolute value less than cutoff replaced by 0.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, 1e-20, -5.3 ]
a.trim  -> Dvector[ 1.1, 0, -5.3 ]
VALUE dvector_trim(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
   VALUE arg1;
   if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1))
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc);
   arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-6);
   return dvector_apply_math_op1(self, arg1, do_trim);
trim!(cutoff=1e-6) → dvector click to toggle source

Each entry x in dvector having absolute value less than cutoff is replaced by 0.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, 1e-20, -5.3 ]
a.trim!  -> Dvector[ 1.1, 0, -5.3 ]
VALUE dvector_trim_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
   VALUE arg1;
   if ((argc < 0) || (argc > 1))
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong # of arguments(%d for 0 or 1)",argc);
   arg1 = (argc > 0)? argv[0] : rb_float_new(1e-6);
   return dvector_apply_math_op1_bang(self, arg1, do_trim);
uniq → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns a new vector by removing duplicate elements from dvector. Remove the element if there is a later one in the vector that is equal to it.

a = Dvector[ 1.1, 3.8, 1.7, 3.8, 5 ]
a.uniq              ->   Dvector[1.1, 1.7, 3.8, 5]
VALUE dvector_uniq(VALUE ary) {
   VALUE new = dvector_uniq_bang(dvector_dup(ary));
   if (new == Qnil) new = ary;
   return new;
uniq! → dvector click to toggle source

Same as #uniq, but modifies the receiver in place. Returns nil if no changes are made (that is, no duplicates are found).

Removes duplicate elements from dvector.
Deletes the element if there is a later one in the vector that is equal to it.

   a = Dvector[ 1.1, 3.8, 1.7, 3.8, 5 ]
   a.uniq!              ->   Dvector[1.1, 1.7, 3.8, 5]
   b = Dvector[ 1.1, 3.8, 1.7, 5 ]
   b.uniq!              ->   nil
VALUE dvector_uniq_bang(VALUE ary) {
   double v;
   Dvector *d = dvector_modify(ary);
   long i, j, k;
   int uniq;
   for (i=j=0; i < d->len; i++) {
      v = d->ptr[i];
      uniq = true;
      for (k=i+1; k < d->len; k++) {
         if (d->ptr[k] == v) {
            uniq = false;
      if (uniq) d->ptr[j++] = v;
   if (d->len == j) return Qnil;
   d->len = j;
   return ary;
unshift(number, ...) → dvector click to toggle source

Prepends objects to the front of dvector, moving other elements up one.

a = [ 2, 3, 4 ]
a.unshift(1)      -> Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
a.unshift(-1, 0)  -> Dvector[ -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
VALUE dvector_unshift_m(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   long len = d->len, i;
   if (argc < 0) {
      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "negative number of arguments");
   if (argc == 0) return ary;
   /* make room by setting the last item */
   Dvector_Store_Double(ary, len + argc - 1, 0.0);
   /* slide items */
   MEMMOVE(d->ptr + argc, d->ptr, double, len);
   for (i=0; i < argc; i++)
      dvector_store(ary, i, argv[i]);
   return ary;
values_at(selector,... ) → a_dvector click to toggle source

Returns a new vector containing the elements in dvector corresponding to the given selector(s). The selectors may be either integer indices or ranges.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
a.values_at(1, 3, 5)           -> Dvector[ 2, 4, 6 ]
a.values_at(1, 3, 5, 7)        -> Dvector[ 2, 4, 6 ]
a.values_at(-1, -3, -5, -7)    -> Dvector[ 6, 4, 2 ]
a.values_at(1..3, 2...5)       -> Dvector[ 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5 ]
VALUE dvector_values_at(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   long olen = d->len;
   VALUE result = dvector_new();
   long beg, len, i, j;
   for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
      if (FIXNUM_P(argv[i])) {
         j = FIX2LONG(argv[i]);
         if (j < 0) j += d->len;
         if (j >= 0 && j < d->len) Dvector_Push_Double(result, d->ptr[j]);
      /* check if idx is Range */
      switch (rb_range_beg_len(argv[i], &beg, &len, olen, 0)) {
         case Qfalse:
         case Qnil:
         for (j=0; j<len; j++) {
            if (j+beg >= 0 && j+beg < d->len) Dvector_Push_Double(result, d->ptr[j+beg]);
      j = NUM2LONG(argv[i]);
      if (j < 0) j += d->len;
      if (j >= 0 && j < d->len) Dvector_Push_Double(result, d->ptr[j]);
   return result;
vector_length → number click to toggle source

Returns square root of the dot product of the vector with itself.

a = Dvector[ 3, 4 ]
a.vector_length -> 5.0
VALUE dvector_vector_length(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   double *p = d->ptr, sum = 0.0;
   long len = d->len, i;
   for (i=0; i<len; i++) sum += p[i] * p[i];
   return rb_float_new(sqrt(sum));
where_closest(number) → int or nil click to toggle source
where_first_closest(number) → int or nil

Returns the index of the first entry in dvector with value closest to number, nil if dvector is empty.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_closest(3.9)        -> 3
Dvector[].where_closest(3.9)   -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_closest(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   item = rb_Float(item);
   double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr, tmp, bst;
   long len = d->len, i, bst_i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   bst = fabs(p[0]-x);
   if (bst == 0.0) return INT2FIX(0);
   bst_i = 0;
   for (i=1; i<len; i++) {
      tmp = p[i] - x;
      if (tmp == 0.0) return INT2FIX(i);
      if (tmp < 0.0) tmp = -tmp;
      if (tmp < bst) { bst_i = i; bst = tmp; }
   return INT2FIX(bst_i);   
Also aliased as: where_first_closest
Alias for: where_first_eq
Alias for: where_closest
where_eq(number) → int or nil click to toggle source
where_first_eq(number) → int or nil

Returns the index of the first entry in dvector with value equal to number, nil if dvector has no such entry.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_eq(4)        -> 3
a.where_eq(6)        -> nil
Dvector[].where_eq(4)   -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_first_eq(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   item = rb_Float(item);
   double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr;
   long len = d->len, i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
      if (p[i] == x) return INT2FIX(i);
   return Qnil;   
Also aliased as: where_eq
where_ge(number) → int or nil click to toggle source
where_first_ge(number) → int or nil

Returns the index of the first entry in dvector with value greater than or equal number, nil if dvector has no such entry.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_ge(3)        -> 3
a.where_ge(5)        -> nil
Dvector[].where_ge(0)   -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_first_ge(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   item = rb_Float(item);
   double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr;
   long len = d->len, i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
      if (p[i] >= x) return INT2FIX(i);
   return Qnil;   
Also aliased as: where_ge
where_gt(number) → int or nil click to toggle source
where_first_gt(number) → int or nil

Returns the index of the first entry in dvector with value greater than number, nil if dvector has no such entry.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_gt(3)        -> 3
a.where_gt(4)        -> nil
Dvector[].where_gt(0)   -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_first_gt(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   item = rb_Float(item);
   double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr;
   long len = d->len, i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
      if (p[i] > x) return INT2FIX(i);
   return Qnil;   
Also aliased as: where_gt
where_le(number) → int or nil click to toggle source
where_first_le(number) → int or nil

Returns the index of the first entry in dvector with value less than or equal number, nil if dvector has no such entry.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_le(0)        -> 2
a.where_le(-5.5)     -> nil
Dvector[].where_le(4)   -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_first_le(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   item = rb_Float(item);
   double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr;
   long len = d->len, i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
      if (p[i] <= x) return INT2FIX(i);
   return Qnil;   
Also aliased as: where_le
where_lt(number) → int or nil click to toggle source
where_first_lt(number) → int or nil

Returns the index of the first entry in dvector with value less than number, nil if dvector has no such entry.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_lt(1)        -> 2
a.where_lt(-5)       -> nil
Dvector[].where_lt(4)   -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_first_lt(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   item = rb_Float(item);
   double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr;
   long len = d->len, i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
      if (p[i] < x) return INT2FIX(i);
   return Qnil;   
Also aliased as: where_lt
Alias for: where_max
Alias for: where_min
where_ne(number) → int or nil click to toggle source
where_first_ne(number) → int or nil

Returns the index of the first entry in dvector with value not equal to number, nil if dvector has no such entry.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_ne(1)        -> 1
Dvector[].where_ne(4)   -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_first_ne(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   item = rb_Float(item);
   double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr;
   long len = d->len, i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
      if (p[i] != x) return INT2FIX(i);
   return Qnil;   
Also aliased as: where_ne
Alias for: where_first_ge
Alias for: where_first_gt
where_last_closest(number) → int or nil click to toggle source

Returns the index of the last entry in dvector with value closest to number, nil if dvector is empty.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_last_closest(3.9)         -> 5
Dvector[].where_last_closest(3.9)    -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_last_closest(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   item = rb_Float(item);
   double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr, tmp, bst;
   long len = d->len, i, bst_i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   bst_i = len-1;
   bst = fabs(p[bst_i]-x);
   if (bst == 0.0) return INT2FIX(bst_i);
   for (i=bst_i-1; i>=0; i--) {
      tmp = p[i] - x;
      if (tmp == 0.0) return INT2FIX(i);
      if (tmp < 0.0) tmp = -tmp;
      if (tmp < bst) { bst_i = i; bst = tmp; }
   return INT2FIX(bst_i);   
where_last_eq(number) → int or nil click to toggle source

Returns the index of the last entry in dvector with value equal number, nil if dvector has no such entry.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_last_eq(2)         -> 8
a.where_last_eq(5)         -> nil
Dvector[].where_last_eq(0)    -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_last_eq(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   item = rb_Float(item);
   double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr;
   long len = d->len, i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) {
      if (p[i] == x) return INT2FIX(i);
   return Qnil;   
where_last_ge(number) → int or nil click to toggle source

Returns the index of the last entry in dvector with value greater than or equal number, nil if dvector has no such entry.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_last_ge(4)        -> 5
a.where_last_ge(5)        -> nil
Dvector[].where_last_ge(0)   -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_last_ge(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   item = rb_Float(item);
   double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr;
   long len = d->len, i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) {
      if (p[i] >= x) return INT2FIX(i);
   return Qnil;   
where_last_gt(number) → int or nil click to toggle source

Returns the index of the last entry in dvector with value greater than number, nil if dvector has no such entry.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_last_gt(2)        -> 6
a.where_last_gt(4)        -> nil
Dvector[].where_last_gt(0)   -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_last_gt(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   item = rb_Float(item);
   double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr;
   long len = d->len, i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) {
      if (p[i] > x) return INT2FIX(i);
   return Qnil;   
where_last_le(number) → int or nil click to toggle source

Returns the index of the last entry in dvector with value less than or equal number, nil if dvector has no such entry.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_last_le(1)        -> 7
a.where_last_le(-6)       -> nil
Dvector[].where_last_le(0)   -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_last_le(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   item = rb_Float(item);
   double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr;
   long len = d->len, i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) {
      if (p[i] <= x) return INT2FIX(i);
   return Qnil;   
where_last_lt(number) → int or nil click to toggle source

Returns the index of the last entry in dvector with value less than number, nil if dvector has no such entry.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_last_lt(2)        -> 7
a.where_last_lt(-5)       -> nil
Dvector[].where_last_lt(0)   -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_last_lt(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   item = rb_Float(item);
   double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr;
   long len = d->len, i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) {
      if (p[i] < x) return INT2FIX(i);
   return Qnil;   
where_last_max → int or nil click to toggle source

Returns the index of the last entry with the maximum value in dvector. Returns nil if dvector is empty.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 2 ]
a.where_last_max        -> 7
Dvector[].where_last_max   -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_last_max(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   double *p = d->ptr, bst;
   long len = d->len, i, bst_i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   bst_i = len-1;
   bst = p[bst_i];
   for (i=bst_i-1; i>=0; i--) {
      if (p[i] > bst) { bst_i = i; bst = p[i]; }
   return INT2FIX(bst_i);   
where_last_min → int or nil click to toggle source

Returns the index of the last entry with the minimum value in dvector, nil if dvector is empty.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_last_min         -> 7
Dvector[].where_last_min    -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_last_min(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   double *p = d->ptr, bst;
   long len = d->len, i, bst_i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   bst_i = len-1;
   bst = p[bst_i];
   for (i=bst_i-1; i>=0; i--) {
      if (p[i] < bst) { bst_i = i; bst = p[i]; }
   return INT2FIX(bst_i);   
where_last_ne(number) → int or nil click to toggle source

Returns the index of the last entry in dvector with value not equal number, nil if dvector has no such entry.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_last_ne(2)        -> 7
Dvector[0].where_last_ne(0)  -> nil
Dvector[].where_last_ne(0)   -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_last_ne(VALUE ary, VALUE item) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   item = rb_Float(item);
   double x = NUM2DBL(item), *p = d->ptr;
   long len = d->len, i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   for (i=len-1; i>=0; i--) {
      if (p[i] != x) return INT2FIX(i);
   return Qnil;   
Alias for: where_first_le
Alias for: where_first_lt
where_max → int or nil click to toggle source
where_first_max → int or nil

Returns the index of the first entry with the maximum value in dvector. Returns nil if dvector is empty.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 2 ]
a.where_max        -> 4
Dvector[].where_max   -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_max(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   double *p = d->ptr, bst;
   long len = d->len, i, bst_i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   bst = p[0];
   bst_i = 0;
   for (i=1; i<len; i++) {
      if (p[i] > bst) { bst_i = i; bst = p[i]; }
   return INT2FIX(bst_i);   
Also aliased as: where_first_max
where_min → int or nil click to toggle source
where_first_min → int or nil

Returns the index of the first entry with the minimum value in dvector, nil if dvector is empty.

a = Dvector[ 1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 4, 3, -5, 2 ]
a.where_min        -> 4
Dvector[].where_min   -> nil
VALUE dvector_where_min(VALUE ary) {
   Dvector *d = Get_Dvector(ary);
   double bst, *p = d->ptr;
   long len = d->len, i, bst_i;
   if (len <= 0) return Qnil;
   bst = p[0];
   bst_i = 0;
   for (i=1; i<len; i++) {
      if (p[i] < bst) { bst_i = i; bst = p[i]; }
   return INT2FIX(bst_i);   
Also aliased as: where_first_min
Alias for: where_first_ne