module Tioga::Tutorial::OtherWaysToRunTioga
Other ways to run tioga¶ ↑
If you have looked at the tioga reference material, you might have noticed that it talks about the “tioga kernel” and describes it as a tool for creating PDFs. There's no mention of a user interface as an integral part of tioga, and the interface we've described here is an optional “add-on” provided as part of the tioga download. There are several other options available – here's the current list.
Batch mode – you can write your tioga file in a way that can be directly run by ruby to create the pdfs. Take a look at the file samples/immediate.rb for an example of how to do this.
ctioga2 by Vincent Fourmond is a
command-line plotting system along the lines of gnuplot that uses the tioga
kernel. Basically, ctioga2
writes the tioga ruby files for
you based on a powerful set of command line options.
Vtioga by Jean-Julien Fleck is a browser-based viewer that uses tioga to create the pdfs, converts them to png's, and them displays them in a browser page created using Ruby on Rails. The browser page has thumbnails for all the figures in the file – click them to see a larger version.
Tioga Droplet by me (Bill Paxton) is a tiny Mac application whose only function is to do the equivalent of 'tioga filename -p' for any files dropped on it.
There is also an irb version of the tioga command line interface that is part of the standard tioga download. To try it, start up irb, then enter:
require 'Tioga/irb_tioga.rb' ; include Tioga::IRB_Tioga ; h
That should output a short description of the available commands. If
you'd like irb to load these tioga commands automatically, add the
and include
commands to your ~/.irbrc
file. If you don't have one, you can copy tioga/irbrc that is part of
the download.
If you create another user interface for tioga that you'd like to share, please let me know and I'll add it to this list.